
Department of Psychology

Department of Psychology


Psychology as a subject was previously taught under the Dept. of Philosophy. Then for few years it was under the Dept. of Sociology.

F.Y.B.A. , S.Y.B.A. - JUNE 1947-48
T.Y.B.A. 3 Units - JUNE 2003

Teaching Staff
Beena Pramod Kalambate
Ms. Beena Pramod Kalambate
Asst. Professor & Head

F.Y., S.Y. B.A.

T.Y.B.A. III Units

 Subject Papers For B.A.

Class I, II, III, IV, V, VI Semester
F.Y.B.A General Psychology
S.Y.B.A Pr. II Social Psychology
Pr.III Developmental Psychology
T.Y.B.A Pr. IV Psychological Testing & Assessment
V Abnormal Psychology
VI Industrial & Organization of Psychology


Programme offered:

B A in Psychology

 Programme & Course outcomes

Programme Specific Outcome

Enhancement of stress management skills.
Enhancement of coping skill with different problems in life.
To create awareness about Mantel health problems in society.
Create a foundation for higher education a professional career in Psychology.
Students aware of applications of Psychological concepts in different areas of day to day life.

Course Outcomes
Sr.No. Class Paper No Semster Name of the Course Outcomes
1 FYBA Paper No. I Sem I and II Fundamentals of Psychology
  • Understanding knowledge of the basic concepts and modern trends in Psychology
  • Creating foundation for further studies in Psychology.
  • Students aware of the applications of Psychological concepts in various fields so that they understand the relevance of Psychology in different areas of life.
2 SYBA Paper No. II Sem III and IV Social Psychology
  • Understanding knowledge of the basic concepts and modern trends in Social Psychology.
  • Understanding the social process.
  • Understanding the social perception.
  • Understanding the Processes of Aggression
Paper No. III Sem III and IV Developmental Psychology
  • Understanding of the basic concepts, principles, perspectives and modern trends in Developmental Psychology
  • Students aware of the implications and applications of the various concepts, principles and theories of Developmental Psychology in daily life in the Indian context.
  • Understanding the beginning process of life.
  • Knowledge about the Prenatal, Infancy and childhood development
3 TYBA Paper No. IV Sem V and VI Psychological Testing and Statistics
  • Awareness about measurement of intelligence and assessment of personality.
  • Getting knowledge and understanding of the concepts in Statistics and the various measures to Descriptive Statistics- their characteristics, uses, applications and methods of calculation
  • Understanding the nature and other description of intelligence test, ability tests and personality tests.
Paper No. V Sem V and VI Abnormal Psychology
  • Understanding of the basic concepts in Abnormal Psychology and the theories about Abnormality
  • Understanding of the different Psychological Disorders- their symptoms, diagnosis, causes and treatment
  • Students aware about Mental Health problems in society.
  • To create a foundation for higher education and a professional career in Clinical Psychology.
Paper No. VI Sem V and VI Industrial Organizational Psychology
  • Understanding of the basic concepts in and various facets of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
  • Aware about the role and importance of Psychological factors and process in the world of work
  • Introducing the field of organizational Behavior.
  • Introducing study of personality, values, group Processes and changes in organization settings.


Psychological testing - IQ, Aptitude, interest, mental health etc.
Counseling - Study Problem, Phobias, Anxiety, Familiar Problems, Stress, Sleep Disorders etc.
Remedial Coaching - through Psychological testing.

Name Organization Special Achievements
Sachin Lad Ojasvi Counseling and Training centre, Mumbai Head - Career guidance & training
Yogesh Kumbhar Film Industry Asstt. Director, Marathi Film, Mumbai
Sampada Dhopatkar - Chatrapati Award
Swapnil Kamble Child line Project co-ordinator
Suraj Bhole Police -
Mrunal Sawant - Counselor, Pune
Chairman Ms. Beena Pramod Kalambate
External Member Dr Desai,
Occupational Therapist, Regional Mental Hospital, Ratnagiri
Student Representatives Soumya Pai
Siddhesh Lad
  • 2020 (37)
  • 2019 (161)
  • 2018 (158)
  • 2017 (184)
  • 2016 (37)