
Department of Rural Development

Department of Rural Development

Establishment :- 1979

Collection of Modern Agro- Equipments

Staff Member
Thakurdesai Surendra Chandrakant
Associate Professor
Mrs. Shravani Vibhute
Vibhute Shravani Ishwar
Assistant Professor

Programmes Offered:

B.A in Rural Development


Class Sem Nomenclature Type
FYBA I Introduction to Rural Development Optional
II Issues Related to Rural Development Optional
SYBS III Rural Society Optional
III Rural Administration Optional
IV Rural Development Strategies Optional
IV Laws Related to Rural Development Optional
TYBA V Agriculture and its Significance in Rural Development Optional
V Rural Marketing and Finance Optional
V Applied Agriculture Optional
VI Agriculture and its Significance in Rural Development Optional
VI Rural Marketing and Finance Optional
VI Applied Agriculture Optional

 Programme & Course Outcomes

Programme Specific Outcomes

On Completion of BA (Rural Development) Students shall:
Be able to Perform their role in Panchayat raj system
Understand social, political and economic dimensions of rural development
Get First hand feel of agricultural practice in this region
Be able to Apply for various government schemes for rural development
Have basic information about various laws related to rural livelihood

Course Outcomes
Class Course Sem Outcomes
FYBA Introduction to Rural Development I 1.To introduce students with the basic concepts of Rural Development

2. To acquaint students with the concept, nature and characteristics of Rural Society

3. To make aware about rural social institutions, its function and changing nature

4. To understand concepts, factors and obstacles in bringing social change and role of NGOs in bringing social change.

Issues Related to Rural Development II 1.To introduce students with the basic concepts of Rural Development

2. To acquaint students with the concept, nature and characteristics of Rural Society

3. To make aware about rural social institutions, its function and changing nature

4. To understand concepts, factors and obstacles in bringing social change and role of NGOs in bringing social change.

SYBA Rural Society III 1.To acquaint students to the types of rural societies

2. To introduce the rural institutional systems

3. To highlight changes in rural social setup

4. To introduce theories related to social change in rural areas

Rural Administration IV 1.To study agricultural policy of India

2. To study mechanism of rural change

3. To study ways and means for rural employment

Rural Development Strategies IV 1.To study agricultural policy of India

2. To study mechanism of rural change

3. To study ways and means for rural employment

Laws Related to Rural Development IV 1.To study provisions in Panchayat Raj Act

2. To study provisions in Land Reform Act

3. To study laws related to PESA

4. To study RTI and its role in Rural Development

TYBA Agriculture and its Significance in Rural Development V 1.To Study the Concepts and importance of agriculture in Rural Development.

2. To Study the Significance of inputs for increasing the agricultural production.

3. To understand modern trends and techniques in agriculture.

4. To study the importance of Farm Business Management.

5. To understand the role and significance of agricultural universities in Education, Research and Extension Education

Rural Marketing and Finance V 1.The course aims to familiarize the students with the basic concepts of Marketing.
2. Aware the students regarding nature of the Rural Consumers and rural credit.
3. Knowledge of marketing of agricultural produce.
Applied Agriculture V 1.To study the concept, scope and significance of applied agriculture.

2. To aware students about zero budget and Bio farming.

3. To study the concept, nature, significance and various techniques of horticulture.

4. To study the importance of people participation to promote forestry.

5. To study various agro based allied activities and their importance for rural development.

Agriculture and its Significance in Rural Development VI 1.To Study the Concepts and importance of agriculture in Rural Development.

2. To Study the Significance of inputs for increasing the agricultural production.

3. To understand modern trends and techniques in agriculture.

4. To study the importance of Farm Business Management.

5. To understand the role and significance of agricultural universities in Education, Research and Extension Education

Rural Marketing and Finance VI 1.The course aims to familiarize the students with the basic concepts of Marketing.

2. Aware the students regarding nature of the Rural Consumers and rural credit.

3. Knowledge of marketing of agricultural produce.

Applied Agriculture VI 1.To study the concept, scope and significance of applied agriculture.

2. To aware students about zero budget and Bio farming.

3. To study the concept, nature, significance and various techniques of horticulture.

4. To study the importance of people participation to promote forestry.

5. To study various agro based allied activities and their importance for rural development.

Coconut Yield Estimation Survey for Coastal Districts of Maharashtra
Funded by Coconut Development Board (MoU), Ministry of Agriculture, GoI
For Year 2014, 2015 & 2016
Grant Received: 512000/-
Field Visits to the places of interest related to rural development like Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli; Coconut Research Center , Bhatye; Marine Biological Research Station, Shirgaon.

Sr No Name
1 Mr Umesh Bane Owner, Agro-processing Unit
2 Mr Sachin Mandavkar Asst. branch Manager,
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank, Mumbai
3 Mrs Swarupa Sawant- Salvi President, Zilla Parishad, Ratnagiri
4 Ms Pratibha Mohite Field Coordinator,
Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal, Ratnagiri
  • 2020 (21)
  • 2019 (161)
  • 2018 (158)
  • 2017 (184)
  • 2016 (37)