


Year 2017-2018

Year Name of the workshop/ seminar Date of activity No. of students participated
2017-18 One Day Seminar on Civil Services Banking and Other Competitive Examinations - By Chanakya IAS Academy, Delhi 18/08/2017 (One Day) 500
2015-16 One Day Workshop on Skill Development and Self Employment - By District Skill Development, Employment, and Entrepreneurship Giudance Centre, Ratnagiri, District Industries Centre, Ratnagiri, Khadi Gramodyog, Ratnagiri, CFARM 23/09/2017 (One Day) 400
2017-18 One Day Seminar on Employability Skills Development - By BIZ Catalysts, Pune 20/03/2018 (One Day) 107

Year 2016-2017

Year Name of the workshop/ seminar Date of activity No. of students participated
2016-17 One Day Seminar on Career Opportunities in Insurance Sector (Learn and Earn Scheme) - By HDFC Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Ratnagiri Branch 05/12/2016 (One Day) 36

Year 2015-2016

Year Name of the workshop/ seminar Date of activity No. of students participated
2015-16 One Day Seminar on Career Opportunities in Banking Sector - By Mr. Barve, Retired SBI Bank Officer) 10/09/2015 (One Day) 89
2015-16 One Day Seminar on Medical Representative - As a Career - By Mrs. Manali Binawade (Saffire Farma) 30/01/2016 (One Day) 66
2015-16 One Day Workshop on Skill Development and Self Employment - By District Skill Development, Employment, and Entrepreneurship Giudance Centre, Ratnagiri, District Industries Centre, Ratnagiri, Khadi Gramodyog, Ratnagiri, CFARM 02/02/2016 (One Day) 95
2015-16 One Day Seminar on Skills for HR Interviews - By Mr. Suresh Shinde (General Manager - Fender Formilation Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai) 20/02/2016 (One Day) 32
  • 2020 (16)
  • 2019 (161)
  • 2018 (158)
  • 2017 (184)
  • 2016 (37)