
Department of Biochemistry

  • 2018 (119)
  • 2017 (184)
  • 2016 (37)

Department of Biochemistry

The Department of Biochemistry is established in the year 2005 as an institution offering graduate courses in Biochemistry. The College also started Post Graduate course in the academic year 2010. We have 03 faculty members and vibrant graduate and postgraduate student strength of over 60.
Department teaches about various streams of Biochemistry and multidisciplinary sciences: metabolism, molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, neuroscience, biophysics, bioinformatics, environmental science, enzymology, biostatistics, diseases and microbiology.
We try to establish four dimensions of education into students i.e. physical, intellectual, ethical and aesthetic.
Admission to these degree programs is on meritorious base and according to the rules of University of Mumbai.

 Lab Information Details

Sr. No Laboratory Total area in square feet:
1 Laboratory-Biochemistry 37ft. X 29ft.
2 Instrumentation Room 34ft. X 14ft
3 Preparation Room 16ft. X 14.5ft.
4 Incubation Room 14.5 ft. x 6.5 ft.
5 Store Room 8ft. X 8.5ft.
13ft. X 2.5ft.
7 Washing Room 10.5ft. X 6.5ft.
8 Passage 58.5 ft. x 10.5 ft.
18 ft. x 4 ft.
14 ft. x 8.5 ft.


Sr. No Equipments
1 Refrigerator
2 Stabilizer
3 Colorimeter
4 Electronic balance
5 Rotary shaker
6 pH meter
7 Conductivity meter
8 Homogenizer
9 Cooling Centrifuge
10 Deep freezer
11 Electrophoresis Apparatus

 Research Equipments

Sr. No Equipments
1 Laminar air flow cabinet
2 Inverted Microscope
3 Carl Zeiss Phase contrast microscope
4 CO2 Incubator
5 PCR machine
6 UV – Vis Spectrophotometer

pH Meter


Mono–pan Digital Balance


Electrophoresis Apparatus


Deep Freezer


Cooling Centrifuge


Laminar Air Flow Cabinet


Inverted Microscope


CO2 Incubator


UV-Vis Spectrophotometer


Carl Zeiss Microscope


PCR Machine

B. Sc. (Biochemistry) – 6 units
M. Sc. (Biochemistry) – 6 units

From last three years, department of Biochemistry have been organizing World Cancer Day on 4th Feb. Theme of this day is “Health is wealth’. Using posters and presentations we create general awareness in society. Health check-up is also carried out during this day.


Mr. Sudhir B. Gadgil
M.Sc. Biochemistry, SET


Hemali Banap
Lab Assistant
Anjali Lad
Lab Attendant

Academic Extension & Photograph, MOU activities related information & Photographs, Research collaborations.
1. Nature Club
2. KTS
3. Shodhvedh Research Festival of College
4. AIDS-Day Awareness programme – Rangoli and Poster Exhibition

Ms. Tanuja P. Gurav bagged Dr. B. N. Desai Gold medal in M.Sc. Biochemistry, University of Mumbai for the academic year of 2014.
Ms. Nadia A. Dalwai bagged Dr. B. N. Desai Gold medal in M.Sc. Biochemistry, University of Mumbai. For the academic year of 2016
Mr. Sumit Phakatkar, Ms. Rama Rajadnya, Ms. Tehsin Nakade bagged “Parshuram Agashe Vidyan sanshodhan’’ prize of Rs.10,000/- in Marathi Vidynan Parishad in 2015.
Ms. Nadia A. Dalwai bagged first prize of Rs.5000/- in research competition ‘Technotsav’ organized by Finolex College, Ratangiri in academic year of 2016.
Ms. Tanuja P. Gurav qualified CSIR NET (47th rank ), SET and GATE in 2016
Mr. Sudhir B.Gadgil qualified SET exam in 2017.
Ms. Rutuja Phadke selected for zonal level Avishkar in 2016.
Ms. Gauri Arolkar and Ms. Aishwarya Surve attended Summer Training Program organized by University of Mumbai in 2016.

Name Organization Special achievement
Ms. Tanuja P.Gurav NCL, Pune JRF
Mr. Prathamesh Tharve Vav life sciences QC officer
Mr. Prashant Mestri Cipla, Goa QC officer
Mr. Kuldeep Sardar Cadila life, Ahmedabad Research scientist
Mr. Prathamesh Bapat Molecular Connections, Bangalore Scientific analyst

UV- Spectro Analysis
HPLC analysis