
Department of Zoology

Department of Zoology



Mile stones:

Zoology as a principal subject for B. Sc. – (1962-1976)
Three units Chemistry and Zoology – (1977-1995)
Three units Botany and Zoology – (1981-1995)
Six units Zoology - (1996)
M. Sc. Zoology by Research – (2001)
Ph. D. in Zoology – (2006)

Laboratory infrastructure:

Total area in square feet:

Lab I – 31.8 X 21.6 ft
Instrumentation Room - 23.2 X 10.8 ft
Lab II – 30.0 X 31.0 ft
Lab III – 36.2 X 14.2 ft
Lab IV – 24.10 X 15.11 ft (Working Lab for M.Sc. By Research)
Lab V – 24.10 X 15.11 ft
Working Lab for Ph.D. - 24.5 X 7.1 ft + 12.7 X 11.11 ft.
Lab III – 36.2 X 14.2 ft

 List of Instruments

Sr. No. Name Model/make/Brand Cost (in Rs.) Usage
1 Bacteriological Incubator Metzer 17,100/- Microbiological observations
2 Trinocular Research , microscope Metzer , Lobamed 21,000/- , 35,000/- Routine practical work, study of fine structures, cell organelles etc.
3 Spectrophotometer Systronics 27,700/- Measurement of optical density.
4 Colorimeter (4 No.) Erma , Eqiptronics , Eqiptronics , Eqiptronics 15,000/- , 11, 776/- , 11, 776/- , 7,700/- Measurement of optical density.
5 pH meter Eqiptronics 6,700/- To observe pH while preparing of various buffers and reagents, regular practical work.
6 Salinity refractometer MAC 7, 343/- To observe the salinity of water during field work.
7 Centrifuge machine (6 N0.) Remi 24,266/- Regular practical work.
8 Hot plate Lab-lines 3,500/- For heating work during practical.
9 Ultra Sonic cleaner - 6850/- For Plankton.
10 Autoclave Model vertical (2 No.) - 27, 900/- Sterilization
11 Magnetic stirrer Metzer 3,950/- Regular practical work
12 Electrophoresis apparatus (2 No.) Technosource 21,000/- , 28,500/- Electrophoretic separations.
13 Furnace Metzer 12,500/- Regular practical work
14 Furnace Lab- Hosp 11,301/- Regular practical work
15 Electronics Balance (2 No.) Anamed , K-Roy 30,000/- , 13,455/- Accurate Weighing of Reagents and media
16 Oven Universal Mac 13,000/- Regular practical work
17 Incubator Mac 20,000/- For enzymological study and chick embryological work.
18 Seed germinator Mac 16,900/- Regular practical work
19 Slide projector Doctor 20,000/- Slide presentation
20 Camera Nicon 25,500/- Photography.
21 Binocular Olympus 10,000/- Observation of birds and animals in the field
22 Food processor Reynolds 6,500/- Regular practical work
23 Microwave oven Kenstar 10,000/- Regular practical work
24 Tortion Balance Rajdhani 13,864/- For weighing
25 Flame Photometer Systronics 23,000/- Detection of inorganic ions
26 Electronic water analyzer kit Mac 21,800/- To study water parameters.
27 Water and soil analyzer kit Max 40,982/- To study water and soil parameters.
28 Mini rotary flask shakers - 9,900/- Regular practical work.
29 Rotary Microtome Weswox 9,000/- Histological works.
30 Turbidity meter Equiptronics 8,500/- Regular practical work.
31 Digital Camera Nikon 28,000/- Photography.
32 Trinocular Research Microscope with attached digital Camera Zeiss, Germany 2.5 lacs. Routine practical work, study of fine structures, cell organelles etc.,
33 Binocular Stereo Microscope Zeiss, Germany 1.5 lacs. Studying and dissecting large organisms like Drosophila flies, identification of flies of various organisms etc.
34 Digital Bacterial Colony counter Toshiba 10,730/- Bacteriological work.
35 Refrigerator (3 No.) Whirlpool , BPL , Videocon 13,800/- , 17,950/- , 8,130/- Regular practical work.
36 Revolutionary high speed regular Centrifuge Equiptronics 40,700/- Separation of nucleic acids and cell organelle separation.
37 Water Distillation system - 32,000/- For distillation of water.
38 Serological water bath Microtech 10,285/- Regular practical work.
39 Compound microscopes (66 No.) Besto , Oskar 1, 32,000/- Regular practical work
- - - Total 12,86,858/-

Mukadam Madhura Deepak
Associate Professor and Head
Rodge Ambadas Ramchandra
Assistant Professor
Rajwadkar Atika Waqar
Assistant Professor
Raut Kashmira Ravindra
Assistant Professor
Bamane Mohini Balasaheb
Assistant Professor
Mr. Mayuresh Ravindra Dev
Mr. Mayuresh Ravindra Dev
Assistant Professor
Ms. Bhakti Yashwant Salkar, Assistant Professor
Ms. Bhakti Yashwant Salkar
Assistant Professor
Non Teaching
Mr. Sandesh Dhavale
Lab Attendant
Mr. Sunil Kamble
Lab Attendant
Mr. Hanumant Jadhav
Lab Attendant
Mr. Gautam Shinde
Lab Assistant
Class and Semester Course Nomenclature Type (Optional, Elective, Compulsory, etc)
F.Y. Sem I and II Zoology Optional
S.Y. Sem III and IV Zoology Optional
T. Y. Sem V and VI Zoology Elective

M. Sc. By Research in Zoology
Ph. D. in Zoology
Other (Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Courses)
Add-on Course Tissue Culture – Certificate Diploma


Programmes Offered:

B Sc in Zoology
M Sc by Research in Zoology
Ph D in Zoology

Courses Offered :

Certificate Course in Tissue Culture

 Course Outcomes

Programme Course Name of Unit
B. Sc. (First Year) USZO101 (Course 1) Wonders of Animal World, Biodiversity and its Conservation
  • Curiosity will be ignited in the mind of learners, to know more about the fascinating world of animals which would enhance their interest and love for the subject of Zoology.
  • Learners would appreciate treasure of Biodiversity, its importance and hence would contribute their best for its conservation.
  • Minds of learners would be impulse to think differently and would be encouraged ipso facto to their original crude ideas from the field of biological sciences.
(Course 2)
Instrumentation and Animal Biotechnology
  • Learners would work safely in the laboratory and avoid occurrence of accidents (mishaps) which will boost their scholastic performance and economy in use of materials/chemicals during practical sessions
  • Learners would understand recent advances in the subject and their applications for the betterment of mankind; and that the young minds would be tuned to think out of the box.
  • Students will be skilled to select and operate suitable instruments for the studies of different components of Zoology of this course and also of higher classes including research.
USZO201 (Course:3) Ecology and Wildlife Management
  • This unit would allow learners to study about nature of animal population, specific factors affecting its growth and its impact on the population of other life form.
  • Learners will grasp the concept of interdependence and interaction of physical, chemical and biological factors in the environment and will lead to better understanding about implications of loss of fauna specifically on human being, erupting spur of desire for conservation of all flora and fauna.
  • Learners would be inspired to choose career options in the field of wild life conservation, research, photography and ecotourism.
USZO 202
(Course 4)
Nutrition, Public health and Hygiene
  • Healthy dietary habits would be inculcated in the life style of learners in order to prevent risk of developing health hazards in younger generation due to faulty eating habits.
  • Promoting optimum conservation of water, encouragement for maintaining adequate personal hygiene, optimum use of electronic gadgets, avoiding addiction, thus facilitating achievement of the goal of healthy young India in true sense.
  • Learners will be able to promptly recognize stress related problems at initial stages and would be able to adopt relevant solutions which would lead to psychologically strong mind set promoting positive attitude important for academics and would be able to acquire knowledge of cause, symptoms and precautions of infectious diseases.
B. Sc.
(Second Year)
USZO301 (Course 5) Fundamentals of Genetics, Chromosomes and Heredity and Nucleic Acids
  • Understand and apply the principles of inheritance.
  • Understand the concept of multiple alleles, linkage and crossing over.
  • Learners would understand the structure and types of chromosomes.
  • Learners would understand mechanisms of sex determination.
  • Learners would be able to correlate the disorders linked to a particular sex chromosome.
  • Learner would understand the importance of nucleic acids as genetic material.
  • The learners would understand and appreciate the regulation of gene expressions.
USZO301 (Course 6) Nutrition, Excretion, Respiration, Circulation, Control and Co-ordination, Locomotion and Reproduction
  • Learners would understand the increasing complexity of nutritional, excretory and osmoregulatory physiology in evolutionary hierarchy.
  • Learners would be able to correlate the habit and habitat with nutritional, excretory and osmoregulatory structures.
  • Learners would understand the increasing complexity of respiratory and circulatory physiology in evolutionary hierarchy.
  • Learners would be able to correlate the habit and habitat with respiratory and circulatory structures.
  • Learners would understand the process of control and coordination by nervous and endocrine regulation.
  • Learners would be fascinated by various locomotory structures found in the animal kingdom.
  • Learners would be acquainted with various reproductive strategies present in animals.
USZO 303
(Course 7)
Amazing animals, Ethology and Conservation biology, Applied
  • Learners will become familiar with the enthralling animal world.
  • Learners will appreciate the use of unique abilities of animals in development of technology.
  • Learners would gain an insight into different types of animal behavior and their role in adaptation.
  • Learners would become sensitized to protect and manage biodiversity in a sensible and sustainable manner.
  • Learner will understand the science of vermicomposting and dairy.
  • Learner will appreciate and respect domestic pets through proper care.
USZO 401
(Course 8)
Comparative Embryology, Aspects of Human
Reproduction and Scientific Attitude, Methodology,
Writing and Ethics
  • Learner will be able to understand and compare the different pre- embryonic stages
  • Learner will be able to appreciate the functional aspects of extra embryonic membranes and classify the different types of placentae
  • Learners will able to understand human reproductive Physiology
  • Learners will become familiar with advances in ART and related ethical issues.
  • The learner will develop qualities such as critical thinking and analysis.
  • The learner will develop the skills of scientific communication.
  • Learner will understand the ethical aspects of research
USZO 402
(Course 9)
Cell Biology, Endo membrane System and
  • Learner would acquire insight of transport mechanisms for the maintenance and composition of cell
  • Learner would appreciate the intricacy of endomembrane system.
  • Learner would understand the interlinking of endomembrane system for functioning of cell.
  • The learner will realize the importance of biomolecules and their clinical significance.
USZO 403
(Course 10)
Holistic Health, Neurological and genetic diseases
and Pollution
  • Learners will apply the knowledge to adopt a healthy life style.
  • The learner will become cognizant about genetic and neurological disorders as well as genetic counseling, its requisites and significance.
  • Learner will be able to relate various anthropogenic activities with environmental degradation and its harmful effects on human health.
  • Learner will become more sensitive towards the environmental issues.
B. Sc.
( Third Year)
USZO 501
(Course 11)
Holistic Health, Neurological and genetic diseases
and Pollution
  • Learners will develop conceptual clarity with regard to the anatomy of animals at different levels. Learners shall comprehend the evolutionary perspective of each level of organization.
  • Learners will know the importance of the significance and advantages of each level of organization.
  • Learners will understand that scientific classification of animals is based on certain characteristics they have in common.
  • Learners will be able to recall characteristics features and examples of each phylum. Learners will be familiar with protozoan and helminth parasites.
  • Learners will get an idea of higher groups of invertebrate animal life and their classification.
  • Learners will get an idea of general characteristics and details of invertebrate animal systems.
USZO 502
(Course 12)
Haematology and Immunology
  • Learners would be able to realize the fundamental concepts in haematology.
  • Learners will be familiar with different terminologies and diagnostic tests performed in a pathological laboratory. Learners will be better equipped for taking any further pathological course or working in a diagnostic laboratory.
  • Learners would comprehend the types of immunity and the components of immune system. Learners would realize the significant role of immune system in giving resistance against diseases.
  • Learners would understand immune related pathologies. Learners would understand the principle and applications of vaccines. Learners would develop basic understanding of immunology of organ transplantation and cancer treatment.
USZO 503
(Course 13)
Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering , Human Genetics and Tissue culture
  • The course will prepare learners to recognize the significance of molecular biology as a basis for the study of other areas of biology and biochemistry. Moreover, it will also assist them in understanding related areas in relatively new fields of genetic engineering and biotechnology.
  • The learners will get acquainted with the vast array of techniques used to tamper genes which can be applied in numerous fields like medicine, research, etc. for human benefit.
  • The learners will become aware of the impact of changes occurring at gene level on human health and its diagnosis.
  • The course will prepare learners to understand significance of cell culture as a tool in specialized areas of research and its applications in industries like biotechnology, in fields such as in vitro fertilization and replacement of animals in medical and toxicology experiments.
USZO 504
(Course 14)
Integumentary system, Endocrinology, Human Osteology and Chick embryology
  • Learners will be able to understand the importance of epidermal and dermal derivatives and their functions.
  • Learners will be able to understand the types & secretions of endocrine glands and their functions.
  • Learners will be able to understand the structure, types and functions of human skeleton.
  • Learners will be able to understand the processes involved in embryonic development and its application.
USZO 601
(Course 15)
Minor Phyla, Taxonomy and Type Study
  • Learners will get an idea of basic morphological and physiological details of minor phyla and protochordates. Study of phylogeny will help learners to understand the evolutionary relationships between organisms.
  • Learners will be able to identify classes of fish and amphibians by their anatomical features. Learners will be able to compare and contrast characters of fishes and amphibians. Learners will be able to describe evolutionary trends implied by their classification.
  • Learners will understand that scientific classification of animals is based on certain characteristics they have in common. Learners will be able to recall characteristic features and examples of each class of Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia.
  • Learners will get an idea of vertebrate animal life and its classification.
USZO 602
(Course 16)
Enzymology, Homeostasis, Histology and General Pathology
  • Learners must be able to understand basics of enzyme structure and function. Learners must comprehend variations in enzyme activity and kinetics. Learners must appreciate the enzyme assay procedures and the therapeutic application of enzymes.
  • Learners would be able to understand the concept of positive and negative feedback mechanisms. Learners would comprehend the adaptive responses of animals to environmental changes.
  • Learners would appreciate the well planned organization of tissues and cells in the organ systems
  • Learners will gain knowledge of various infective agents and diseases caused by them. Learners will be familiar with various medical terminology pertaining to pathological condition of the body caused due to disease.
USZO 603
(Course 17)
Zoogeography, Toxicology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
  • The learners will become acquainted with how and why different animal species are distributed around the globe
  • The course will prepare learners to develop broad understanding of the different areas and significance of toxicology. Moreover, it will also develop critical thinking and assist students in preparation for employment in pharmaceutical industry and related areas.
  • The learners will be able to collect, organize and analyze data using parametric and non-parametric tests. They will also be able to set up a hypothesis and verify the same using limits of significance.
  • The learners will become aware of the computational point of view of studying the genomes.
USZO 604
(Course 18)
Environment management, Wildlife management, Bioethics, bioprospecting, Zoopharmacognosy and General Entomology
  • Learners will be able to understand the different factors affecting environment, its impact and laws governing environmental management.
  • Learners will be able to understand paradigms of discovery and commercialization of biological resources and knowledge gained by self medication by animals.
  • Learners will be able to understand paradigms of discovery and commercialization of biological resources and knowledge gained by self medication by animals.
  • Learners will be able to understand the role of useful and harmful insects in human life

Extension activities :

Mangrove awareness program, Wetland Conservation

Mr. Rahul Khot

Curator, Natural History collection department, Bombay Natural History Society Of India, Mumbai

Mr. Anant Pande

Wildlife Institute of India, DehraDun
Working as Research personnel for Monitoring Tigers, co-predators, prey and their habitat.
Selected for 28th Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica
Ravi Sankaran Fellowship for field Biology

Dr. Vishal Bhave

Scienctis “B” in Bombay Natural History Society Of India. He has outstanding capacity of research in marine biodiversity conservation especially in the field of Nudibranchs.

Ms. Gayatri Harmalkar Birje

Working in Gebbs Healthcare Solution, Hyderabad

Mr. Nikhil Jambhale

Project Officer, Wildlife Research and Conservation Society, Pune.