Department of Chemistry
Established: 1945
Chemistry as a principal Subject: 1947
M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry): 1992
M.Sc.(Analytical Chemistry): 2007
PhD(Organic Chemistry): 2013
Lab Information Details
Laboratory-1(Physical Laboratory):
Total area in square feet: 25.5 X 20.0 ft.
Laboratory-2(B.Sc. Laboratory):
Total area in square feet: 32.0 X 31.5 ft.
Laboratory-3(B.Sc. Laboratory):
Total area in square feet: 37.5 X 31.5 ft.
Laboratory-4(M.Sc.(Organic) Laboratory):
Total area in square feet: 32.0 X 31.5 ft.
Laboratory-5(Instrumental Laboratory):
Total area in square feet: 22.0 X 15.0 ft.
Laboratory-6(M.Sc.(Analytical) Laboratory):
Total area in square feet: 15.0 X 15.0 ft.
Laboratory-7(Research Lab):
Total area in square feet: 10.0 X 08.0 ft.
Store Room:
Total area in square feet: 31.5 X 18.5 ft.
Staff Room:
Total area in square feet: 18.5 X 07.0 ft.
Research Equipments
Double Beam UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
SPECTRASCAN UV 2600 AAS Polarographic Analyzer
Name of the Instrument | Approximate Price | No. of copies |
pH Meter | 9500/- | 12 |
Conductometer | 9500/- | 08 |
Potentiometer | 5700/- | 11 |
Colorimeter | 9500/- | 08 |
Spectrophotometer | 53000/- | 02 |
Microwave oven | 10000/- | 02 |
Thermostat | 4000/- | 04 |
UV Chamber | 8000/- | 01 |
Oven | 20200/- | 01 |
Mono Quartz Distillation Unit | 25000/- | 01 |
Exost fan | 1200/- | 12 |
Electronic balance (Milligram accuracy) | 35500/- | 09 |
Electronic balance (gram accuracy) | 19000/- | 02 |
Freezer | 38000/- | 02 |
Electronic centrifuge | 9500/- | 06 |
Vaccum Pump | 66900/- | 07 |
Flame Photometer | 50000/- | 02 |
Digital Polarimeter | 9500/- | 01 |
Vacuum Oven | 32000/- | 01 |
Magnetic stirrer with hot plate | 5000/- | 07 |
Magnetic stirrer without hot plate | 3500/- | 10 |
Overhead stirrer | 9500/- | 03 |
Nephlometer | 19200/- | 01 |
Photo fluorimeter | 60000/- | 01 |
Karl Fisher Apparatus | 75000/- | 01 |
Double beam spectrophotometer | 269652/- | 01 |
Single beam spectrophotometer | 160000/- | 01 |
Pulse Polarograph | 103800/- | 01 |
Muffle Furness | 36500/- | 01 |
Gore Milind Ganesh
Kulkarni Prafulladatta Prabhakar
Kamble Maruti Balu
Kulkarni Aparna Milind
Desai Mayur Prabhakar
Bhattar Swaminath Laxman
Sankpal Umesh Bhauso
Mhadaye Meghana Ekanath
Baraskar Pratiksha Navanath
Chavan Sagar Suresh
Powar Nikita Umesh
Surve Ankit Anil
Visiting Faculty Details
Prof. A. K. Shrivatsav
Prof. S. H. Masrqui
Prof B. H. Mehata
Prof. A. V. Karnik
Dr. G. A. Meshram
Dr. S. S. Garje
Dr. R. A. Kamble
Dr. Mrs. N. B. Mehata
Dr. S. M. Malushte
Dr. Atul Bedekar
Dr. H. A. Parbat
Dr. Rajesh Samant
Seminar workshop organized(Last 5 years)
Dept. organizes one day workshop on “ Micro scale techniques in Chemistry” and “ Instrumental analysis ” for F.Y./ S.Y. students every year.
UGC sponsored two days regional workshop on “Maintenance of laboratory equipments” was organized in association with WRIC Mumbai for teachers on 22-23rd March 2008-09.
One-day workshop on ‘Revised syllabus of S.Y. B. Sc. Chemistry was conducted in the department in association with B. O. S. in Chemistry , Mumbai University, on July 2009. Teachers from Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts participated in the workshop.
One-day workshop on credit based system at F. Y. B. Sc. Level was conducted on 4th August 2011 in the department for college teachers in nearby districts. The chairman, BOS in Chemistry Dr. S. B. Dharap guided the teachers in the workshop.
One-day workshop on credit based system at S. Y. B. Sc. Level was conducted on 30th April 2015 in the department for college teachers in nearby districts. The chairman, BOS in Chemistry Dr. S. B. Dharap guided the teachers in the workshop.
Collabaration with other Institutes
Academic Extension & Photograph, MOU activities related information & Photographs, Research collaborations.
Funded Research Project Data
Title of Project | Name of Principal Investigator/ Co-investigator |
Funding Agency | Period of Project | Ongoing/Completed | Grant Received |
Extractive photometric determination of Cu (II) using cyanex 272 | Dr. M G Gore | University of Mumbai | Duration : 01 year 2011-2012 | Completed | Rs.25000/- |
Extractive photometric determination of Fe (III) using cyanex 272 | Year:2008 | Duration : 01 year 2011-2012 | Completed | Rs.32000/- | |
Phytochemical Investigation on Celosia argentea linn. For its therapeutic values | Year:2008 | Duration : 01 year 2011-2012 | Completed | Rs.32000/- | |
Simple and efficient method for the synthesis of 1,3,4-Oxadiazoles 1 | Dr.P.P.Kulkarni | UGC,New Delhi | 1.2.2011 Upto 1.2.2013 | Completed | Rs.212000/- |
Application of Microwave irradiation to chemical synthesis | University of Mumbai | 2007 | Completed | Rs.200000/- | |
Microwave assisted reactions in organic Chemistry”. | University of Mumbai | 2003 | Completed | Rs.35000/- | |
Microwave assisted reactions in organic Chemistry & synthetic transformation in terpenoides | UGC, Western regional office, Pune 7 | 2001 | Completed | Rs.35000/- | |
Synthesis and characterization of biodiesel from seeds of local Plants | Mrs.A.M.Kulkarni | University of Mumbai | 2010 | Completed | Rs.32000/- |
Synthesis of biologically active carbazoles | Dr.M.P.Desai | University of Mumbai | 2012 | Completed | Rs.26400/- |
A novel and efficient approach for carbazole | UGC (WRO) Pune | 2015 | Ongoing | Rs.350000/- | |
Photophysical Studies of ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride | Dr.S.L.Bhattar | University of Mumbai | 2013 | Completed | Rs.25000/- |
Nanostructural, Magnetic and electronic transport properties of Cu-Zn mixed ferrialuminates | Dr.U.B.Sankpal(co-investigator) | University of Mumbai | 2014 | Completed | Rs.amounting 25,000/- |
Students Achievement
Mr. Prathamesh Ganesh Sathe-
Achievement:First rank in subject of Analytical Chemistry in University so awarded by late Sujata Pabhareker Memorial award of Mumbai University.
Year: 2009-10
Marks obtained: 749/1000
Ms. Nurin Bashir Jambhalikar-
Achievement: First rank in subject of Analytical Chemistry in University so awarded by late Sujata Pabhareker Memorial award of Mumbai University.
Year: 2010-11
Marks obtained: 767/1000
Mr. Manoj Sutar-
Achievement: first prize of Rs. 10000/- in State Level Research Project competition organized by Marathi Vidnyan Parishad in year 2009-10.
Ms. Samiksha Pathare, Ms. Shruti Waghadhare, Ms. Vishakha Naravane and Ms. Neha Bhatkar
Achievement: Prize of Rs. 10000/- in State Level Research Project competition organized by Marathi Vidnyan Parishad in year 2014-15.
Following students participated in international conferences and presented the paper:
P. M. Tamhankar | M. S. Sharma |
H. R. Marathe | A. R. Joshi |
P. V. Karambelekar | S. S. Limaye |
Mr. Hrushikesh Surve | Nilesh Paradhi |
M. E. Mhadaye | D. D. Pethe |
T. S. Karmarkar | M. D. Ranade |
Ms. Samiksha Pathare | Ms. Shruti Waghadhare |
Ms. Vishakha Naravane | Ms. Neha Bhatkar |
Following students participated in national conferences and presented the paper:
Ms. Chhaya Hegade
Yashasri Naik
Staff Achievement
Dr. M. G. Gore
Publications: 02
“Extraction and photometric Determination of Ruthenium (III) with Cyanex 301,M.G.Gore, S.S. Salunkhe, BhanuRanan International Journal of Chemistry (ISSN 2249- 2119) Vol.1(3)(2012): pp 389-393.
Extractive photometric determination of Rhodium (III) with Cyanex 301”. M. G. Gore, S. S. Salunkhe, Bhanu Raman. Published in proceedings of ICGTS 2012 in Asian Journal of Chemistry, 24 (12) (2012), 5178-5792.
Research Papers:
Presented in conference-09
Paper presented in National Conference On “Expanding Horizons in Chemical Sciences” Organized by A.P.Singh University, Rewa (M.P.) Oct. 2011.
Paper presented on “Extraction & Photometric Determination of Chromium (VI) with Cynex 302”, at 30th Conference of India Council of Chemists, held at OsmaniaUniversity, Hyderabad in Dec. 2011.
Paper presented on “Extraction & Photometric Determination of Os (VIII) with Cyanex 301”. At UGC sponsored National Seminar, Birla College, 24, 25 Aug. 2012.
Paper presented In International Conference on Emerging Trends In Chemistry Organized by Dept. of Chemistry, Mumbai University. 23.24,25 Jan. 2007.
Paper presented on “Extraction & Photometric Determination of Pd (II) from HCl media using Cynex 302”.At SESTEC Symposium organized by DAE- BRNS at Mithabai College, Mumbai 27 Feb. – 1 March 2012.
Paper presented on “Extraction & Photometric Determination of Rh(II) with Cyanex 301”, at International Conference on Global Trends n Pure & Applied Chemical Science (ICGTCS-2012). Organized by Asian J. of Chemistry, Udaipur, 3,4 March, 2012.
Paper presented on “Extraction & Photometric Determination of Ruthenium (III) Cyanex 301”, at International conference on trends in chemical science beyond frontiers organized. By Indian Council of Chemists at Kuala Lampur (Malaysia) 10- 12, June 2012.
Paper presented on A Rapid and sensitive extractive spectrophotometric Determination of Platinum (IV) in hydrogenation Catalyst Using bis(2,4,4- trimethylpentyl) monothiophosphonic acid. at International conference organized. By Indian Council of Chemists at Hotel Grand Excelsior, Dubai 10 - 13 June 2014.
Projects Completed:
Minor Research Projects(University of Mumbai): 03
“Phytochemical Investigation on Celosia argentea linn. For its therapeutic values”.
Grant received : Rs. 25000/- Year: 2006
“Extractive photometric determination of Fe (III) using cyanex 272 .”
Grant received : Rs. 32000/- Year: 2008
“Extractive photometric determination of Cu (II) using cyanex 272 .”
Grant received : Rs. 25000/- Year: 2011
Seven and Twelve years Service medal for distinguished service in NCC by DGNCC Maharashtra. 2010
Appreciation certificate by District Sainik Welfare Officer, Ratnagiri for Flag Day Raising Fund Work2011
Second prize in poster presentation At UGC sponsored National Seminar, Birla College, 24, 25 Aug. 2012.
Dr. P. P. Kulkarni
Publications: 03
Demethylation of Methyl Aryl Ethers Using Pyridine-Hydrochloride in solvent free conditions under microwave irradiation. P. P. Kulkarni, A. J. Kadam, R.B. Mane, U.V. Desai, P.P. Wadgaonkar, J. Chem. Research(s), 1999, 3, 94-95.
A Simple and efficient Oxidation of Hydraides to N,N’ – diacylhydrazines Using Oxone® an aqueous medium P. P. Kulkarni, A. J. Kadam, R.B. Mane, U.V. Desai, P.P. Wadgaonkar, J. Chem. Research (s), 2000, 184-185.
Oxidation of Alkyl Cynohydrazines to Azobisnitriles using Oxone® - KBr in aqueous medium B. V. Tamhankar, R.B. Mane, U.V. Desai , P. P. Kulkarni, P.P. Wadgaonkar; Syn. Com 2002, 32 (23), 3643 - 3646
Research Papers:
Presented in conference- 11
Presented a paper in National symposium on new trends in synthetic organic chemistry on ‘Vision, Experience & Future’ conducted on 22-23 Feb, 2003 by R.P. Gogate College of Arts & Science and R.V. Jogalkar College of Commerce, Ratnagiri in association with the University Grants Commission, New Delhi
Participated in poster session of one day seminar on research on 27th August 2003 organized by University of Mumbai.
Participated & published an article on ‘Green Chemistry’ at National Level Seminar at Mudhoji College,Phaltan ( 31st July – 1st August, 2004)
Participated in a the U.G.C. sponsored National conference on Recent Advances& Techniques in Chemical Education organized by Dept. of chemistry, Yeshavantrao Chavan Institute of Science, Satara on 19th & 20th Feb, 2005
Attended and presented a paper in the UGC-SAP national seminar on ‘Synthesis o new materials for industrial applications”February 1st and 2nd 2008 at Shivaji University Kolhapur
Attended and presented a paper in the national seminar on ‘Advanced Synthetic methodologies and Functional materials -2009”sponsored by UGC,NewDelhi and Shivaji University Kolhapur on 23rd -24th December,2009
Participated in the International Conference on, Emerging Trends in Chemical Sciences” [ICETCS 2007] from 23-25 January,2007 Organised by the Dept. Of Chemistry, University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Attended and presented a paper in the UGC( W.R.O.,Pune),New Delhi Sponsored two days National seminar on
“NANOMATERIALS AND ITS APPLICATIONS”(NAMA)organized by Walchand College of Arts & Science Solapur(28th -29th January,2011). Presented a paper on”A simple and efficient oxidation of Hydrazides to N,N’-Diacylhydrazines using Oxone in an aqueous medium under MW irradiation”.
Attended and presented a paper in the international conference at Bangkok (11th –15th June, 2011),GLOBAL CHALLENGES: THE ROLE OF CHEMISTRY IN GIVING SOLUTIONS. Presented a paper on “Application of Heck reaction for the synthesis of 1,1-dimethyl -7-isopropyl tetralin”.
Attended and presented a paper in the State level workshop in “CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS” sponsored BY UGC( W.R.O.,Pune) New Delhi organized by Shri Pancham Khemraj Mahavidyalaya,Sawantwadi,Dist-Sindhudurg.(March05,2011).Presented a paper on’’Microwave assisted Williamsons ether synthesis in the absence of phase-transfer catalysts
Attended and presented a paper in the international conference on Emerging Trends in chemical sciences(ICETCS2007) at University of Mumbai during January 23- 25,2007.
Research Project Competed: 04
A project under University Research Grant Ref.No.APD/237/128 OF 2003
Title:”Microwave assisted reactions in organic Chemistry”. (Principal investigator) Amount : Rs.35000/-
Research project Sanctioned by UGC,Western regional office,Pune 7 Ref.No.47258/2001(WRO) dated 1ST November2001 RS.35000/-
Title:”Microwave assisted reactions in organic Chemistry & synthetic transformation in terpenoides ”.(Co- investigator)
A project under University Research Grant Ref.No.APD/237/134 OF 2007
Title:”Application of Microwave irradiation to chemical synthesis”. (Principal investigator) Amount sanctioned Rs.20000/-
Research project Sanctioned by UGC,New Delhi:-Principal investigator
Sanctioned the major research project in Chemistry by wide letter F.No.39-781/2010(SR)-Project entitled “Simple and efficient method for the synthesis of 1,3,4-Oxadiazoles”.Amount approved Rs.2,12,000/-for the period of two years w.e.f.1.2.2011.
Secured Second Prize in poster presentation in the National Symposium on NewTrends in Synthetic Organic Chemistry on “Vision, Experience & Future”. conducted on 22-23 February, 2003 by Gogate- Jogalekar College, Ratnagiri In association with the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
Awarded the “National Integration Fellowship-2006” by the Akhil Maharashtra Patrakar & Patralekhak Sangh,Mumbai for district level work of communal harmony& national Integration.(April 2006)
Awarded Best N.S.S. Programme Officer at district level (Ratnagiri) by N.S.S.Unit, University of Mumbai,Mumbai .(Sept.2006)
Awarded best oral presentation prize “NANOMATERIALS AND ITS APPLICATIONS”(NAMA) organized by Walchand College of Arts & science, Solapur(28th -29th January,2011) in the conference.
Mrs. Aparna Milind Kulkarni
Publications: 05
Functionalization of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles with Alginate Coating for Biocompatible Applications” Prasad M. Tamhankar, Aparna M. Kulkarni, Shrikant C. Watawe , Materials Sciences and Applications, 2011, 2, 1317-1321
Polyaniline coated cobalt ferrite and cadmium ferrite microparticles for possible bioengineering applications S C Watawe, A M Kulkarni, P M Tamhankar, M S Sharma , H R Marathe, and A R Joshi, ´ MJDYPU-Vol.II, Issue III, ISSN – 0974-2743, (2009) 128-133.
Nickel ferrite nanoparticles–hydrogen peroxide: a green catalyst-oxidant combination in chemoselective oxidation of thiols to disulfides and sulfides to sulfoxides A.M. Kulkarni, U. V. Desai, K. S. Pandit, M. A.Kulkarni and P. P. Wadgaonkar,RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 36702–36707.
A simple, economical, and environmentally benign protocol for the synthesis of 2-amino-3,5- dicarbonitrile-6-sulfanylpyridines at ambient temperature Uday V. Desai, Makarand A. Kulkarni, Kapil S. Pandit, Aparna M. Kulkarni & Prakash P.Wadgaonkar;” Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, 2014 Vol. 7, No. 3, 228–235.
Cobalt ferrite nanoparticles: a magnetically separable and reusable catalyst for Petasis-Borono–Mannich reaction A.M. Kulkarni, K. S. Pandit , P. V. Chavan, U. V. Desai, and P. P. Wadgaonkar, RSC Adv., 2015, , 70586-70594 .
Research Papers:
Presented in conference- 07
Research papers presented in conferences:
Presented research paper in international conference on ‘Emerging Trends in chemical sciences (ICETCS2007)’ at University of Mumbai Jan.2007
Presented paper in International Conference on “Biomedical Engineering &anotechnology” at D.Y. Patil University Kolhapur Feb.2008
Presented a research paper in international conference ‘Advances in synthetic Technology and nanomaterials’ in Jan.2010.
Presented a research paper in international conference on ‘Supramolecular chemistry and nanomaterials’ Feb.2011
Presented a research paper in international conference on ‘Nanomaterials for Sustainable Green Technology’ in Jan.2015
Projects completed:
Minor Research project ‘Synthesis and characterization of biodiesel from seeds of local Plants amounting 32,000/- ssubmitted to University of Mumbai’ in Year 2010
Received certificate of appreciation from Ratnagiri Education Society in year 2009-10
Received ‘Vishesh Margdarshak Purskar’ from Marathi Vidnyan Parishad for guiding award winning project in year 2014-15.
Dr. M. P. Desai
Publications: 10
Mukund G. Kulkarni, Sanjay W. Chavhan, Mayur P. Desai, Deekshaputra R. Birhade Zeolite catalyzed solvent- free one-pot synthesis of dihydropyrimidin- 2(1H)-ones – A practical synthesis of monastrol Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, (Impact Factor : 2.517), Volume 5, Issue 4, 04th Feb. 2009.
Mukund G. Kulkarni, Mayur P. Desai, Attrimuni P. Dhondge, Deekshaputra R. Birhade, Mahadev P. Shinde, “A novel and efficient total synthesis of (±)-physostigmine. Tetrahedron Letters Volume 50, Issue 20, Pages 2411-2413, 20th May 2009.
Mukund G. Kulkarni, Sharanappa M. Beagle, Mayur P. Desai, “Pd (0)/C catalyzed efficient Wacker oxidation of functionalized terminal olefins. Tetrahedron Letters Volume 50, Issue 24, Pages 2893-2894, 17th June 2009
Mukund G. Kulkarni, Mayur P. Desai, Dnyaneshwar D. Gayakwad, Ajit S. Borhade., “Wittig Olefination-Claisen Rearrangement Protocol for Cyclohexene annulations Synthetic Communications (Impact Factor : 0.983), Volume 40, Issue 3, Pages 423-433, 6th January 2010
Mukund G. Kulkarni *, Sanjay W. Chavhan, Mayur P. Desai, Yunnus B. Shaikh, Dnyaneshwar D. Gaikwad, Attrimuni P. Dhondge, Ajit S. Borhade, Vijay B. Ningdale, Deekshaputra R. Birhade, Nagorao R. Dhatrak. A short and efficient synthesis of furo[2,3-b]indoles Tetrahedron Letters, Volume 51, Issue 34, pages 4494-4496, 2010
Dhondge, Sanjay W. Chavhan, Mayur P. Desai, Deekshaputra R. Birhade, Nagorao R. Dhatrak, Ramesh Gannimani. The efficient synthesis of (3R, 3aS, 6aR)-hexahydrofuro[2,3-b] furan-3-ol & its isomers Tetrahedron-Asymmetry, Volume 21, Issue 19, pages 2394-2398, 2010
Mukund G. Kulkarni*, Mayur P. Desai, Deekshaputra R. Birhade, Yunus B. Shaikh, Ajit N. Dhatrak and Ramesh Gannimani. A Wittig olefination–Claisen rearrangement approach to the 3-methyl quinoline-4-carbaldehyde synthesis Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, volume 8, pages 1725–1729, 2012
Mukund G. Kulkarni*, Attrimuni P. Dhondge, Sanjay W. Chavhan, Ajit S. Borhade, Yunnus B. Shaikh, Deekshaputra R. Birhade, Mayur P. Desai and Nagorao R. Dhatrak. Total synthesis of (±)-coerulescine and (±)-horsfiline Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, volume 6, pages 876-879, 2010
Mayur P. Desai*, Paresh R. Athawale, Chaitannya W. Ghanavatkar and Prathamesh P. Modak, Synthesis of 5-(but-3-en-2-yl)-2-methyl benzo[d][1,3]oxazepine – A synthetic challenge having profound antibacterial activity, International Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 577-581, 2013
Mayur P. Desai* A short and efficient synthesis of 2-(bromomethyl)-8H-furo[2,3-b]indole, International Journal of Chemistry, Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 278-283, 2015
Research papers presented in conferences:
Recent Developments in Chemistry”, held on Feb.14-15, 2007 in University of Pune. (Poster presentation)
“Advances in chemistry”, held on Mar. 20-21, 2008 in University of Pune. (Poster presentation)
“Recent Trends in chemistry”, held on Mar. 13th, 2009 in University of Pune. (Poster presentation)
“Chemistry and its role in human development” held on Mar. 26th, 2012 in Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya, sangli. (Poster presentation)
“National Symposium on Functional Applications of Colorants”, held on Oct. 11-12th, 2012 in Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga (Mumbai) (Poster presentation)
“National Convention of Chemistry Teachers-2012”, held on Nov. 1-4th, 2012 in University of Guwahati, Assam. (Oral presentation)
International conference on “Global Opportunities for Latest Developments in Chemistry and Technology-2014” held on Feb. 06-08th, 2014 in North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (Poster presentation)
National conference on “Environmental Issues: Overview and Challenges” held on 15th November 2014 in Bhausaheb Nene College, Pen-Raigad. (Oral presentation)
National conference on “Frontiers of chemistry and materials” held on 12-14th February 2015 in Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati, Dist. Pune. (Poster presentation)
National conference on “Innovative Methods in Chemistry Education” held on 8-10th October 2015 in University of Lucknow, Lucknow. (Oral presentation)
Research Projects:
Minor Research Project (University of Mumbai) “Synthesis of biologically active carbazoles” with funding of Rs. 26,400/-. Year 2013
Minor research project is granted by UGC entitling “A novel and efficient approach for carbazole” with funding of Rs. 3,50,000/-. Year 2015
Interactive chemistry softwares developed:
Rationale Analysis of Mathematical Chemistry [RAM] (2010)
Dr. Swaminath L. Bhattar
Research publications: 12
Spectrofluorimetric Determination of 5-Fluorouracil by Fluorescence Quenching of 9-Anthracenecarboxylic Acid; M. S. Khot, S. L. Bhattar, G. B. Kolekar and S. R. Patil, Spectrochimica Acta Part A 77 (2010) 82–86
Spectroscopic studies on the Molecular Interaction between Salicylic Acid and Riboflavin (B2) in micellar solution; S. L. Bhattar, G. B. Kolekar and S. R. Patil’ J Luminescence 130 (2010) 355-359
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer between Anthracene and Proflavine Hemisulphate in micellar solution and Analytical application on determination of Proflavine Hemisulphate; S. L. Bhattar, G. B. Kolekar and S. R. Patil,Journal of Dispersion science and Technology, 32 (2011) 23-27
The Fluorescence resonance energy transfer from Proflavin hemisulphate to rose benagal in aqueous micellar solution; S. L. Bhattar, G. B. Kolekar and S. R. Patil* Indian J. of Chemistry A, 49 (2010) 896-900
Interaction of Fluorescein with Felodipine: A Spectrofluorometric and Thermodynamic Study; U.S. Mote, S.L. Bhattar, S.R. Patil, G.B. KolekarJ Solution Chem 38 (2009) 619–628
Interaction between Felodipine and Bovine Serum Albumin: Fluorescence Quenching Study; U. S. Mote, S. L. Bhattar, S. R. Patil and G. B. Kolekar Luminescence: The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence, 25 (2010) 1-8.
Effect of polar dopants on structure of emission spectrum of crystalline anthracene powders; M N Gharge, S. L. Bhattar, G B Kolekar & S R Patil*,Indian Journal of Chemistry, 48A, (2009), 1383-1387
Synthesis and Photo physical studies on 5-Ethoxy Carbonyl-4-Cinnamyl-6-methyl-3,4-dihdropyrimidine-2(1H)-one in various salvent; S. N. Lad, U. S. Mote, S. L. Bhattar, P. V. Anbhule, S. R. Patil and G.B.Kolekar , Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 23(2) (2009) 231-238.
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Between Perylene and Riboflavin in micellar solution and Analytical application on determination of Vitamins B2 S. L. Bhattar, G. B. Kolekar and S. R. Patil; Journal of Luminescence 128 (2008) 306 - 310
Fluorescence Studies of Salicylic acid in Solution and Polymer Film; M. P. Patil, S. L. Bhattar and S. R. Patil; Asian. J. of Chemistry 20(5) (2008) 3961 - 3966
Structural and photo physical aspects of perylene – doped anthracene crystalline powders prepared by microwave heating; M.N. Gharge, S. L. Bhattar, G. B. Kolekar and S. R. Patil; Indian J. of Chemistry 47 A (2008) 1642 – 1648
Spectrofluorimetric Studies on Interaction between Quinine sulphate and Riboflavin; D. T. Patil, S. L. Bhattar, G. B. Kolekar and S. R. Patil; Journal of Solution Chemistry 40 (2)(2011) 211-223
Research Papers:
Presented at conferences- 07
Poster Presented in International Symposium on Material Chemistry held at BARC, Mumbai between 4th – 8th December 2006
Poster Presented in International Conference on Frontier of Radiation and Photochemistry held at School of Chemical Science, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam between 8th – 11th February, 2007
Attended National Seminar on “Synthesis of new Materials for Industrial Applications” at Department of Chemistry, Shivaji University, Kolhapur between 1st – 2nd February 2008.
Poster presented in International conference on Nano material and Application held at Department of Chemistry, Shivaji University, Kolhapur between 9th – 11th December, 2008
Poster Presented in International conference on “Fluorescence in Biology An International Conference” at Tata Institute Fundamental Research Center, (TIFR) Mumbai between 16th to 19th March 2009
Poster Presented at National Conference on “Sustainable Chemistry: Challenges and Opportunities” at Dr. Babasaheb Abedkar Marathwada University, Sub-campous, Osmanabad between 9th to 10th January 2012.
Appointed as refree in Marathi Rasayan Shastra Parishad, Maharashtra, held at Newcollege, Kolhapor on 5th Feb. 2012.
Worked as Summer Research Fellow for two month in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during the month of April to May 2012, INSA.
Dr. Umesh B. Sankpal
Publications: 17
Research Papers:
Presented in conference- 09
List of Publications:
Synthesis and characterization of CoCrxFe2-xO4 nanoparticles,P. P. Hankare, U. B. Sankpal, R. P. Patil, I. S. Mulla, P. D. Lokhane, N. S. Gajbhiye Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 485, Issues 1-2, (2009) 798–801
Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline zinc substituted nickel ferrites,P. P. Hankare, U. B. Sankpal, R. P. Patil, I. S. Mulla, R. Sasikala, A. K. Tripathi, K. M. Garadkar, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 485, Issues 1-2, (2009) 798–801.
Magnetic and dielectric properties of nanophase manganese-substituted lithium ferrite; P.P. Hankare, R.P. Patil, U.B. Sankpal, S.D. Jadhav, I.S. Mulla, K.M. Jadhav, B.K. Chougule; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,Volume 321, Issues 19, (2009) 3270-3273
Gas sensing Properties of Magnesium Ferrite prepared by Co-precipitation Method; P.P. Hankare, S.D. Jadhav, U.B. Sankpal, R.P. Patil, R. Sasikala, I.S. Mulla; Journal of Alloys and Compounds , Volume488, Issue 1, (2009) 270-272
Investigation of structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline manganese substituted lithium ferrites; P.P. Hankare, R.P. Patil, U.B. Sankpal, S.D. Jadhav, P.D. Lokhande, K.M. Jadhav, R. Sasikala; Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Volume. 182, Issue 12, (2009), 3217-3221
Synthesis, characterization and electrical properties of the system LaMnxFe1-xO3; P.P. Hankare, M.R. Kadam, P.D. Kamble, S. D. Jadhav, U.B. Sankpal, R.P. Patil, V. B. Helavi, N.S. Gajbhiye; Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 489, Issue 1, 7 January 2010, Pages 233-236.
Synthesis , characterization and effect of sintering temperature on magnetic properties of Mg-Ni ferrite prepared by co-precipitation method P.P. Hankare, S.D. Jadhav, U.B. Sankpal, S.S. Chavan, K.J. Waghmare, B.K. Chougule; Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume. 488, Issue 1-2, (2009) 926-929.
Ferrospinels based on Cu and Co prepared via low temperature route as efficient catalyst for the selective oxidation of alcohol, P.P. Hankare, P.D. Kamble, S.P. Maradur, M.R. Kadam, U.B. Sankpal, R.P. Patil, R.K. Nimat, P.D. Lokhande; Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume. 487, Issue 1-2, (2009) 730-734
Effect of sintering temperature and thermoelectric power studies of the system MgFe2-xCrxO4; P.P. Hankare, V.T. Vader, U.B. Sankpal, L.V. Gavali, R. Sasikala, I.S. Mulla; Solid State Sciences, Volume. 11, Issue 12, (2009) 2075-2079
Magnetic, dielectric and complex impedance spectroscopic studies of nanocrystalline Cr substituted Li-ferrite; P.P. Hankare, R.P. Patil, U.B. Sankpal, K.M. Garadkar, R. Sasikala, A.K. Tripathi, I.S. Mulla; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 322, Issue (2010), 2629-2633
Magnetic and dielectric studies of nanorystalline zinc substituted Cu-Mn ferrites.P. P. Hankare , U. B. Sankpal, R. P. Patil, K.M. Garadkar, A. V. Jadhav, B.K. Chougule; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 323, Issue 5, (2011), 389-393
Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of chromium substituted cobalt ferrospinels; P.P. Hankare, U.B. Sankpal, R.P. Patil, P.D. Lokhande, R. Sasikala; Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, Volume 176 Issue 2, (2011), 103-109
Synthesis and morphological study of chromium substituted Zn–Mn ferrites nanostructures via sol–gel method P.P. Hankare, R.P. Patil, U.B. Sankpal, S.D. Jadhav, K.M. Garadkar, S.N. Achary; Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 509, Issue 2, (2011), 276-280
Synthesis and characterization of cobalt substituted zinc ferri-chromites prepared by sol–gel auto-combustion Method P.P. Hankare, V.T. Vader, U.B. Sankpal, R.P. Patil, Jadhav A. V., I S. Mulla; Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Available online 23 October 2010
Photoelectric application of Cadmium Sulphide thin films; P. A Chate, D. J. Sate, U.B. Sankpal, A. M. Manikshete, P.P. Hankare; Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Accepted for Publication November 2012
Structural, compositional, thermoelectrical and photoelectrochemical properties of CdSe thin films P. A. Chate, D. J. Sathe, P. P. Hankare & U. B. Sankpal Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics ISSN 0957-4522 DOI 10.1007/s10854-012-1048-3
Project completed:
A Minor Research project entitled ‘Nanostructural, Magnetic and electronic transport properties of Cu-Zn mixed ferrialuminates’ amounting 25,000/- has been completed as co-investigator funded by University of Mumbai’ in Year 2013(Interdisciplinary work).
M. E. Mhadaye
Publications: 01
Meghana E. Mhadaye and R. M. Patil, Global Journal for Research Analysis, 4(8), 374 (2015).
Research Papers:
Presented in conference- 05
Research papers presented in conferences:
Poster presentation in international symposium on “New Horizons in Chemistry” (ISNHC) held on 8th and 9th December 2014 in V. E. S. College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Chembur Mumbai.
Poster presentation in international conference on “Nanomaterials for Sustainable Green Technology” held on 5th & 6th January 2015 in K. V. Pendharkar College Dombivali.
Poster presentation in international conference on “Innovations in Chemical Research and Applied Chemical Sciences” held on 12th-13th January 2015 in Smt. Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani College Ulhasnagar.
Poster presentation in national conference on “Renewable Energy and Environment” (NCREE-2014) held on 25th to 27th September 2014 in Athale Sapre Pitre Science College, Devrukh.
Poster presentation in national conference on “NANOSCIENCE- A SCIENCE OFTWENTY FIRST CENTURY” (NSTFC-2014) held on 29th November 2014 in Mahatma Phule Arts, Science & Commerce, college Panvel, Dist. Raigad.
“Chemical synthesis of Fe based nanoparticles ad coating them with polyvinyl alcohol”
M. E. Mhadaye, D D Pethe, T S Karmarkar, A M Kulkarni, A B Gaikwad, P.M.Tamhankar and S C Watawe International conference on emerging trends in chemical sciences [ICETES 2007] Department of Chemistry, University of Mumbai, 23-25 Jan 2007.
Name | Organization | Special Achievements |
Dr.Sharad Vikas Kulkarni | AGM -R & D, Watson Pharma Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai July 2010 – present | Post Doctoral Fellowship): Nov. 2007 - March 2010 School of Medicine, Columbia, MO, USA Advisor: Prof. M. F. Hawthorne (Priestley Medal 2009), formerly at UCLA. Filed four ‘process-patents’ and one ‘polymorph- patent’. |
Dr. Hemant Mondkar | Senior Research Scientist – NALCO Water India Ltd, Pune | Post-Doctoral Fellow - Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea Jan 2010 – Dec 2010, 9 Patents 3 patents in filing stage |
Dr. Amey Achyut Mulay | Senior Research Scientist-II Analytical Method Development (AMD) Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Andheri | - |
Sachin Salvi | Sales Manager, USV ltd | - |
Sayama Kazi | Evonik Industries AG Rellinghauser Str. 1-11 Essen, North Rhine Westfalia 45128 Germany | Business Development Manager |
Programmes offered:
B Sc in Chemistry
M Sc in Analytical Chemistry
M Sc in Organic Chemistry
Ph. D in Chemistry