
Department of Accounting & Finance (BAF)

Department of B.com Accounting & Finance (BAF)

Key features

This department was established in the year 2004-05 in order to give specialize knowledge to students who wished to pursue their professional courses like CA, CWA, CS or any specialized field in Accounting.
The department was established only with 6 students and it has grown up to the current strength of 352 students in 6 divisions.
The course curriculum has been practically designed in order to meet the increasing demand in the profession of Accounting and finance in the global market.
The course curriculum has been practically designed in order to meet the increasing demand for more number of professionally certified management executives in the global market.
This degree programme is handled by experienced full-time as well as visiting faculty pulled from various service and industrial sectors.
Accounting and Finance is one highly remunerative field and there are lots of career opportunities in this field. It is one of the top career choices made by students in India.
A graduate after completion of this course can initially join as a trainee / or as an accountant or as an accounts executive. Graduate professionals can work as freelancers in this field.
Students would get an opportunity to explore many career paths like Investment and Portfolio management, Stock market, Security analysis, Mutual Fund and Capital Market analysis, Accounting field, financial field etc.


To develop professional skills among students who would lay their strong foundation on Accounts, Finance and Ethics for the benefit of themselves and the society.
To satisfy the professional industrial needs regarding expertise in the field of Accounting and Finance.
To create competent business professionals in the field of Accounting and Finance who will be innovative and resourceful.


To arouse batch of expert graduates who would establish good work life balance by enhancing their work goals.
To make students ready to face upcoming career challenges in their professional field.
Be a learning department, where continuous efforts are taken to enhance the inner skills and to elevate the excellence among the students to face the external environment with confidence and determination.

Lab Space (area) 480 Sq.ft
No. Of computer Labs 1
No. of computers 30
No. Of Classrooms 6
Nagle Suhas Balkrishna
Assistant Professor
Ghaisas Swaroop Laxman
Assistant Professor
Mr. S. Y. Joshi
Joshi Swapnil Yashwant
Assistant Professor
Ms. Swati L. Ghaisas
Ghaisas Swati Laxman
Assistant Professor
Mr. Mayuresh M. Pandit
Assistant Professor
Ms.Naziya R. Maldar
Assistant Professor
Mrs.Chaitrali N. Ketkar
Ketkar Chaitrali Nikhil
Assistant professor
Khamkar Neeta Shashikant
Assistant Professor

Programme offered:

B. Com (Accounting & Finance)

Class and Semester Subject / Course Nomenclature Type (Optional, Elective, Compulsory, etc)
FY BAF SEMISTER I Financial Accounting – I Elements of Financial Accounting Elective Course
Cost Accounting- I Introduction and Elements of Cost Elective Course
Financial Management- I Introduction to Financial Management Elective Course
Business Communication – I Business Communication Ability Enhancement Compulsory course
Foundation Course –I Foundation Course Skill Enhancement Course
Business Economics – I Business Economics Core Course
Commerce – I Business Environment Core Course
SEMISTER II Financial Accounting - II Special Accounting Areas Elective Course
Auditing - I Introduction & Planning for Audit Elective Course
Innovative Financial Services Innovative Financial Services Elective Course
Business Communication – II Business Communication Ability Enhancement Compulsory course
Foundation Course – II Foundation Course Skill Enhancement Course
Business Law – I Business regulatory framework Core Course
Business Mathematics Business Mathematics Core Course
SYBAF SEMISTER III Financial Accounting – III Special Accounting Areas Elective Course
Cost Accounting - II Methods of Costing Elective Course
Taxation - II Direct Taxes / Income Tax Elective Course
Information Technology in Accountancy I Information Technology in Accounting Finance Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
Foundation Course - III Financial Market Operations Skill Enhancement Courses
Business Law II Business Regulatory Frame Work Core Course
Business Economics - II Business Economics Core Course
SEMISTER IV Financial Accounting - IV Special Accounting Areas Elective Course
Management Accounting -I Introduction to Management Accounting Elective Course
Taxation Paper - III Direct Taxes / Income Tax Elective Course
Information Technology in Accountancy - II Information Technology in Accounting Finance Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
Foundation Course - IV Introduction to Management Skill Enhancement Course
Business Law – III Company Laws Core Course
Research Methodology in Accounting & Finance II Research Methodology in Accounting and Finance Core Course
TY BAF SEMESTER V Cost Accounting III Cost Accounting III Elective Course
Taxation - IV Indirect Taxes II (GST) Elective Course
Financial Management II Financial Management II Elective Course
Management II Management Applications Elective Course
Financial Accounting V Financial Accounting V Core Course
Financial Accounting VI Financial Accounting VI Core Course
SEMISTER VI Cost Accounting IV Cost Accounting IV Elective Course
Financial Management III Financial Management III Elective Course
Taxation V Indirect Taxes III (GST) Elective Course
Economics III Indian Economy Elective Course
Financial Accounting VII Financial Accounting VII Core Course
Project work Core Course

 Programme & Course Outcomes

Programme Specific Outcomes

At the end of this course students should be able to:

Able to Recognize and understand ethical issues in Accounting profession.
Preparation of Accounting statements as per General Accepted Accounting principles.
Understand how to apply cost accounting methods to evaluate project and business performance.
Acquire and upgrade current tax laws.
Enable to compete current changing scenario in the field of accounting and finance.
To understand the consumer behavior with respect to business environment.
Understand human rights while performing business activities.
Demonstrate and understanding of current auditing standards and acceptable practices as well as impact of audit risk.
The student will experience real world learning and application of skills via their internship.
Apply appropriate judgment derived from knowledge of accounting theory.
Understanding of real-life working environment in industry through industrial visits.

Course Outcomes
F.Y.B. Com. Accounting & Finance Semester I: 2017 – 2018 w.e.f. June, 2016 (CBCGPS)
1. Financial Accounting: I (Introduction to Financial Accounting)

Objectives -
To introduce with Indian Accounting Standard AS 1, AS 2, AS 9 and to learn inventory valuation methods of godown management.
To understand classification of various transactions regarding receipts, expenditures, profit and loss and to apply structure of Final Accounts from the Manufacturing A/c with advance adjustments.
To introduce Department Accounting and to learn its application in Departmental stores.
To introduce Hire Purchase Accounting and to learn its application in real life.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Solve practical problems regarding Inventory Valuation by FIFO and Weighted Average Method.
Classify in considering features of various transactions and able to apply structure of Final Accounts in proper manner.
Accounting of Departmental Stores.
Understood application of Hire purchase transactions in real life as regular transaction in the society.

2. Cost Accounting: I (Introduction to Cost Accounting)

Objectives -
To study comparison between costing and finance
To know cost structure for production making.
To understand uses of materials in production and practical calculations
To understand uses of labours in production and calculations of cost
To understand bifurcation of overheads with activity
To study distribution of overheads and overhead rate

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand the concepts of costing and accounting procedures.
Study practical adjustments in production with elements of cost
Study practical approach towards cost structure of labours.
Understanding formulas for calculation of cost of labours.
Study practical approach towards overheads in production
Study per overhead cost and apportion of elements used in production.

3.Foundation course I

Objectives -
To understand pluralistic nature of Indian Society with reference to diversity.
Social stratification on the basis of Caste, Class and Estate basis.
Concept of inequality and Intergroup conflicts.
Meaning of Preamble and composition of Indian Constitution.
Understand the Types of political parties, Local self-government.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understood the demographic composition of India having regard to Language, Religion, and Gender etc.
Understood stratified reasons as to differences and women problems.
Understood the fundamental duties of Indian citizen specified in Indian Constitution.
Understood hierarchy of local self-government and amendment to the same.

4. Commerce I (Business Environment)

Objectives –
To make students understand the concept of business environment and various tools of environmental analysis.
To understand student the concept of business ethics.
To make them aware about various consumer laws in India.
To make students understand the various contemporary issues.
To introduce them scenario of international business environment.
To understand concept of business objectives.
To understand various types of environment.
To know techniques of environmental analysis.
To understand concept of Business Ethics.
To know development of business Entrepreneurship.
To know consumer protection Act, 1986.
To understand Corporate Social Responsibility.
To know Social Audit.
To understand strategies for going global.
To know foreign trade India and FDI.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand the concept of business environment and various tools of environmental analysis.
Aware of business ethics.
Aware of various consumer laws in India.
Identify the factorsof international business environment.
Understand positive and negative impact of environment on business.
Understand ethical issues in business, ethical dilemmas, procedure for registration under MSMED Act, 2006, and also the provisions related to consumer protection Act.
Know CSR, Corporate Governance, and carbon credit and implementation of CSR activities by various companies.
Know MNCs and TNCs. Implications of WTO and FDI for Indian Industries.

5.Financial Management I (Introduction to Financial Management)

Objectives -
To introduce the concept of Financial Management to students.
To make student understand various concepts in valuation of money.
To make student able to calculate various leverages.
To introduce the various sources of finance.
To make students able to calculate cost of capital of various sources of finances.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand the concept of financial management.
Understand different concept of valuation.
Calculate various leverages on their own.
Easily identify various sources of finance.
Calculate cost of capital of the various firms.

6. Business Communication I

Objectives –
To study on concept, channels, methods and modes of communication.
To study on which obstacles facing while doing communication and how is improving listening skills.
To study on business ethics.
To study on how to maintain business correspondence, what cares should be taken while writing business letters and personal letters.
To study on paragraph writing and writing skills

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Getting helpful for knowledge about what is communication, types of communication, channel and modes of communication.
helpful for getting knowledge about how to overcome the barrier and how to improve our listings skills.
Getting knowledge about what is ethics and how and for what it should be followed.
Learn much more about parts, structure of letter, principal of letter writing and how to write d variety of personal letters.
Learn about developing ideas of about letter writing and paragraph writing.

7.Business Economics I

Objectives -
This paper provides an overall introduction to economics as dealing with the problems of allocation of scarce resources in optimum manner. It aims to build a familiarity with the basic tools of consumer and producer theory, the operation of markets and optimization in an economic context. In order to explain economic issues and solutions in a practical manner, the concepts are to be discussed with case studies and numerical problems wherever applicable.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Expose students of Commerce to basic Micro Economics Concepts and inculcate in analytical approach to the subject matter.
Stimulate the students’ interest by showing the relievable and use of various economic theories and functions.
Apply economic reasoning to problems of business.

F.Y.B. Com. Accounting & Finance Semester II: 2017 – 2018 w.e.f. June, 2016 (CBCGPS)
1. Financial Accounting II (Special Accounting Areas)

Objectives -
To learn accounting from incomplete record and to test basic knowledge of accountancy by linking up between missing figures.
To learn difference between single entry system and double entry system and application of single entry system by sole trader in practical manner.
To understand application of Branch Accounting regarding distribution of goods by Head office to various branches and collection from the branches.
To understand transactions between principal and agent or manufacture and wholesaler / retailer regarding goods, and application of Consignment Accounting during these transactions in practical manner.
To know importance and basic principles of insurance, to learn actual calculation of Fire insurance claim regarding stock lost by fire in practical manner.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand difference in between single entry system and double entry system and practically able to linking up, to prepare final accounts from incomplete record.
Learn application of Branch Accounting for small branches by Debtor system and for big branches by stock and debtors system.
Understand transactions between Principal/ Manufacture and agent, able to apply consignment accounting regarding these transactions.
Know basic principles of insurance and able to calculate fire insurance claim regarding goods lost by fire

2.Business Law I (Business Regulatory Framework)

Objectives –
To know the legal knowledge and ethics about contract law.
To know the legal knowledge and ethics about sale of goods.
To know the legal knowledge and ethics about negotiable instruments.
To know the legal knowledge, rights and ethics of consumer.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand legality behind of making contract.
Understand legality behind of making contract of sale and agreement to sale.
Understand legality behind of negotiable instruments of promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheque.
Understand legality and rights of consumers.

3. Auditing I (Introduction and Planning)

To introduce concept of auditing, errors and frauds, principles of audit and types of audit.
To make students understand how to plan audit program, how to maintain working papers and maintain audit note book.
To make them understand various techniques of auditing.
To understand the concept of internal audit.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand the concept of auditing, errors and frauds, principles of audit and types of audit.
Plan audit program and, maintain working papers and audit note book.
Understand techniques of auditing.
Understand concept of internal audit.

4.Taxation I (Indirect Taxes I )

Explain the concept and role of value added tax in the tax system.
Explain the regulatory framework for value-added tax.
Understand the basic concepts and calculation of tax base and rate
Gain a comprehensive knowledge on MVAT.
Explain the impact of exemption in MVAT
Compute tax liability of Dealers.
Understand definitions contained in MVAT Act, 2002
Gain knowledge about Penalty, Interest and Audit under MVAT Act, 2002.

At the end of this course students should be able to:
Define the subject of taxation according to value added tax regulations.
Apply tax regulations in determining the tax base
distinguish specific calculation of VAT rates.

5.Foundation Course II

Understand the concept Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
Understand Human rights and its origin, evolution.
Understand environmental concepts like ecology, sustainable development.
Understand causes of stress on individual and society.
Understand coping mechanisms to control conflicts, Maslow’s theory of self-actualization.

At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand New industrial policy 1992 with its economic reform.
Understand fundamental rights stated in constitution.
Understood importance of environment protection in the current era.
Understood significance of aggression, violence and the need to control in life.
Understood conflict resolution technique and peace and harmony in society.

6.Business Mathematics

To teach the mathematical concepts and principles of multivariate calculus, vector and matrix algebra, differential equations and their applications in business and economics.
To teach application of business mathematics in professional / real life.

Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the foundations and history of mathematics.
Perform computations in higher mathematics.
Read and understand middle-level proofs.
Write and understand basic proofs.
Develop and maintain problem-solving skills.
Use mathematical ideas to model real-world problems.

7.Business Communication II

To establish credibility with your audience.
To communicate information clearly to your audience.
To persuade and/or influence your audience.
Improve problem solving and decision-making skills
Develop skills in understanding, analyzing, and evaluating small group communication.
develop knowledge, skills, and judgment around human communication that facilitate their ability to work collaboratively with others.

Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Deal with nerves and think more positively about public speaking.
Consider ways of grabbing the listener’s attention, holding their interest, and concluding strongly.
Use body language and tone of voice to enhance their presentations.
Use slides and visual aids effectively.
Students will develop knowledge, skills, and judgment around human communication that facilitate their ability to work collaboratively with others.

S.Y.B. Com. Accounting & Finance Semester III: 2017 – 2018 w.e.f. June, 2017 (CBCGPS)
1. Financial Accounting II (Special Accounting Areas)

Objectives -
To learn structure of Final Accounts of Partnership Firms with Admission, Retirement, Death of partner.
To learn actual implementation of dissolution of partnership firm with the technique of Piecemeal Distribution of Cash.
To learn procedure of Amalgamation of partnership firm and conversion of partnership firm into joint stock company.
To learn inter settlement of various transactions during the conversion of partnership firm into Joint Stock Co.
To learn transactions and procedure of foreign currency translation in to Indian Rupees.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand all transactions and procedure regarding final accounts of partnership firm with various capital method.
Solve practical problems after considered order of payment regarding piecemeal distribution of cash. And to experience actual procedure of dissolution of partnership firm.
Calculate purchase consideration by net assets method before the amalgamation of partnership firm and solving practical problems after considering various adjustments.
Understand inter settlement between and old firm and new company before the conversion of partnership firm into the new joint company.
Convert foreign currency translation into Indian currency in practical manner.

2.Cost Accounting: II (Methods of Costing)

Objectives –
To be able to know various types of cost and costing.
To understand format of Cost Sheet and to learn applicability of cost sheet to ascertain pricing of any product.
To understand various overheads and its impact to ascertain selling price of the product.
To understand reasons and how to reconcile profits of Cost records and financial record.
To understand the method of contract costing and its applicability in real life especially in case construction contracts.
To understand application of process costing.
Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Solve cost sheet problems and acquired skill of application of cost sheet. One of the important techniques to determine prices.
Find reasons of distinction between financial accounting and cost accounting and to solve practical problems.
Apply calculation of pricing of large size contract by contract costing and to solve practical problems.
Apply technique of determination of price at the time of running manufacturing process by process costing in practical manner.

3.Business Law II (Business Regulatory Framework II)

Objectives –
Understand the relation of partnership firm and partners with outsiders.
Registration of LLP and functions of LLP.
Applicability of provisions of Factory Act, Health safety and welfare measures for workers.
Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand an insight of various beneficial social legislative measures.
Understand rights and liabilities of partners, Outsiders. Incorporation and dissolution of partnership firm.
Understand nature of LLP, merits of LLP and process of winding up of LLP
Understand provisions of Health safety and welfare measures for workers and its inspection.
Demonstrate an understanding of the Legal environment of business.
Apply basic legal knowledge to business transactions.
Communicate effectively using standard business and legal terminology.

4.Foundation Course in Commerce III (Financial Market Operations)

Objectives –
To know about what is financial system and function of financial system.
To study proper guideline about saving and investment.
To study about financial market operations, capital markets, structure of financial markets.
Study about Focus on what sources are available of to raise funds.
To do details study about financial services like merchant banking and other financial services.
Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Get proper guidance about investment, difference about banking and non-banking financial services, and inflation.
Understand knowledge regarding Sensex, IPO shares, methods of raising finance by company through various financial instruments.
Understand classification of financial instruments, derivatives.
Get helpful knowledge about consumer finance, plastic money, features of financial services, underwriter.

5. Auditing II (Techniques of Auditing and Audit Procedures)

Objectives –
To enable students get acquaint with the various concepts of auditing.
To ensure students understand and practice various techniques of auditing while managing their finances.
To enable student the concept and application of vouching.
To understand the difference between vouching and verification
To know the meaning, importance, procedure of issuing auditing standards.
To know the qualification, disqualification, appointment removal of company auditor and his rights and duties.
Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Get acquaint with the various concepts of auditing.
Understood and practice various techniques of auditing while managing their finances.
Learn the concept and application of vouching.
Understand the difference between vouching and verification
Know the meaning, importance, procedure of issuing auditing standards.
Get the knowledge of qualification, disqualification, appointment removal of company auditor and his rights and duties.

6. Business Economics II

Objectives –
To introduce concept of Macroeconomics and various circular flows of income.
To make them understand various concepts in money, prices and inflation.
To make them aware about public finance in depth.
To make them understand about various sources of public revenue and public expenditure.
Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand the concept of Macroeconomics and various circular flows of income.
Understand various concepts in money, prices and inflation.
Aware of public finance in depth.
Understand various sourced of public revenue and expenditure.
An appreciation of the ethical issues in economics competition.

7.Information Technology in Accounting & Finance

Objectives –
To study types of software
To study the concept hardware.
To study Office automation software.
To study different web tools.
To study different internet concepts
To study internet security, EDI, legal issues.
To study E-commerce concept

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Learn different parts of hardware and different types of software
Learn and execute different commands of Ms word, Ms Excel and Ms PowerPoint
Learn Downloading information, creating e-mail ID and sending, receiving emails.
Learn legal issues of internet, importance of electronic data interchange and e-commerce.

S.Y.B. Com. Accounting & Finance Semester IV: 2017 – 2018 w.e.f. June, 2017 (CBCGPS)
1.Financial Accounting IV (Special Accounting Areas)

Objectives -
To introduce structure of Company Final Accounts as per Indian Company’s Act, 2013 and its application.
To understand procedure of Redemption of Preference Share Capital and Redemption of Debentures; provisions regarding redemption as Company’s Act, 2013.
To understand procedure of Pre & Post Prior to Incorporation in columnar forms.
To know structure of Final Accounts of Foreign Branches after conversion into Indian Currency

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Apply to formats of Company Final Accounts as per Indian Company’s Act, 2013 in practical manner with notes to accounts.
Understand provisions regarding redemption of preference shares as per Company’s Act, 2013 and applying practically to solve practical problems.
Understand various types of redemption of debentures and they are able to understand provisions regarding redemption of debentures.
Apply conversion of foreign currency into Indian currency when, to solve practical problems about foreign branches.
Classify appropriate basis for allocation regarding Profit Prior to Incorporation and applying when, to solve practical problem.

2.Management Accounting

Objectives –
To introduce the concept of Management Accounting.
How to analysis and interpret financial statements.
To make students understand the concept of ratio analysis and how to calculate various ratios and to understand indicating applicability of each ratio.
How to analyses cash flows of the business.
How to manage and calculate working capital requirement of the firm.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand the concept of management accounting.
Analyses and interpret financial statements.
Calculate various ratios from the financial statements.
Do cash flow analysis.
Manage working capital requirement estimations of the firm.

3.Auditing III

Objectives –
Apply conceptual theory of auditing.
Detailed knowledge about Auditing in Computerized Environment.
Understand about Professional Ethics in auditing under Chartered Accountants Act.
Detailed information about Investigation and Due diligence.
Understand preparation of Audit Report.

Outcomes –

At the end of this course students should be able to:
Apply the conceptual theory of auditing in practice.
Gain knowledge of auditing in computerized environment.
Know the professional ethics in auditing under chartered accountants act.
Acquaint with the information about investigation and due diligence.
Understood preparation of audit report.

4.Information Technology in Accounting & Finance II

Objectives –
To study Business process management
To study automation of business process.
To study computerized accounting system software like Tally ERP
To study Management Information System which helps organization like HR, MKT, Finance etc.
To study Internal audits to evaluate the effectiveness of a operation’s internal controls

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Learn need and importance of business process, business process management in IT, BPM life cycle
Learn practical knowledge of Tally software
Learn importance and applications of information system in management, role of computer in MIS
Learn different IT auditing techniques

5. Research Methodology in Accounting & Finance

Objectives –
To identify problems and verify implementation of recommendation.
To study on research design, and how to formulate the hypothesis.
To study on processing and collection of data, statistical analysis.
Study on interpretation of data and report writing.

Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Learn about sources, types of data, recognition of sources of Datta collection.
Learn about how to design the research and types of hypothesis.
Getting knowledge about the types of data classification of data collection, how to process the data, and learnt about the how to calculate the mean, median, mode,
Learn about the how to write report, interpretation and submission of data/ project.

6.Foundation Course in Management IV (Introduction to Management)

Objectives –
To study basic management principles of businesses sector
To know performance appraisal of business and industries with help of management

Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Discuss and communicate the management evolution and how it will affect future managers.
Observe and evaluate the influence of historical forces on the current practice of management.
Identify and evaluate social responsibility and ethical issues involved in business situations and
logically articulate own position on such issues.
Explain how organizations adapt to an uncertain environment and identify techniques managers use to influence and control the internal environment.
Practice the process of management’s four functions: planning, organizing, leading, and
Identify and properly use vocabularies within the field of management to articulate one’s own position on a specific management issue and communicate effectively with varied audiences.
Evaluate leadership styles to anticipate the consequences of each leadership style.
Gather and analyse both qualitative and quantitative information to isolate issues and formulate best control methods.

7. Business Law III (Company Law)

Objectives –
Understand the definitions Domestic company, Foreign company, Holding company, One-person company etc.
Understand the procedure for registration of companies under company Act 2013.
Understand the concept of Public issue and private placement.
Understand the concept prospectus and its types.

Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Students have understood various definitions that are required to learn provision of company Act 2013.
Students have understood process of incorporation of company and its importance.
Students have understood the ways to raise capital in primary market by public companies and private company.
Students have understood types of prospectus and it’s need to issue in different situation.

T.Y.B. Com. Accounting & Finance Semester V: 2017 – 2018 w.e.f. June, 2015 (CBCGPS)
1. Financial Accounting V

Objectives -
To understand procedure of Amalgamation of Joint Stock Companies, various methods of calculation Purchase Consideration, External reconstruction.
To understand provisions and procedure of Internal Reconstruction of the company in adverse situation.
To understand functions of underwriters in practical manner.
To understand procedure of liquidation of joint stock company.
To understand procedure of buyback of shares as per Company’s Act, 2013.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Calculate purchase consideration by various method of calculation and solving practical problem after considering procedure of amalgamation.
Solve practical problems after considering adverse situation of the company and provisions regarding internal reconstruction.
Prepare statement of underwriter’s liability.
Liquidate joint to stock company as per procedure.
Apply all legal provisions regarding calculation of buyback.

2.Cost Accounting III

Objectives –
To study uniform and inter firm comparison between cost
To know cost structure for production making.
To study Ratio analysis.
To understand difference between integrated and non-integrated system
To study accounting entries of finance vs. Costing
To understand services provides to certain industries
To study cost calculation per unit of different industry
To understand manufacturing activity of products
To study process of production with equivalent units
To study inter transfer profit
To study cost calculation with activity based
To understand functions of cost with Traditional costing vs. ABC approach.

Outcomes -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand of concepts of costing and accounting procedures.
Know ratios which are used in company’s
Get Knowledge about comparison of cost integrated and non integreted costing system
Study practical activities in production with two systems
Study practical approach towards in service costing
Study practical approach towards process in production
Study per unit cost and apportion of elements used in process
Study practical calculations of cost with reference to activity
Differentiate cost between traditional and ABC approach.

3.Taxation III (Direct Taxes – I)

Objectives –
To Gain comprehensive knowledge of Income Tax Act 1961.
To understand the definitions contained in Income tax Act 1961.
Compute income from Salary, House property, Capital Gain, Business and Profession, Other Sources.
To know the various exemptions under section 10.
To learn and apply deductions under section 80
To enable students to compute total income.
Students gained the knowledge of Income Tax act 1961.
Students understood the definitions under income tax act 1961.
Students able to calculate income from Salary, House property, Capital Gain, Business and Profession, Other Sources.
Students knows the various exemptions available under section 10.
Students learns and applies deductions under section 80 while calculating net taxable income.
Students able to compute total income of assesses.

4.Auditing III

Objectives –
Apply conceptual theory of auditing.
Detailed knowledge about Auditing in Computerized Environment.
Understand about Professional Ethics in auditing under Chartered Accountants Act.
Detailed information about Investigation and Due diligence.
Understand preparation of Audit Report.
Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Apply the conceptual theory of auditing in practice.
Gain knowledge of auditing in computerized environment.
Know the professional ethics in auditing under chartered accountants act.
Acquaint with the information about investigation and due diligence.
Understood preparation of audit report.

5.Financial Management II

Objectives –
To understand theories of value, risk and return, capital investment decisions, financing decisions, dividend policy, capital structure, and options. Also, to study leasing, corporate takeovers, and managerial compensation.
Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Create and interpret financial statements.
Create and interpret cash flow statements.
Determine discount/hurdle rates.
Evaluate investments in working capital and long-term assets.
Demonstrate proficiency in valuation techniques, both DCF (discounted cash flow) and non-DCF.
Apply the contingent claims approach to valuation.

6.Management Application (Management II)

Objectives –
To apply concepts and techniques in marketing so that they become acquainted with the duties of a marketing manager both strategic and managerial.
To understand integration of numerous activities and processes to produce products and services in a highly competitive global environment by production management.
To help students become better leaders by enhancing their effectiveness in managing human resources.
To learn fundamental HRM frameworks and analyse the overall role of HRM in business.
To demonstrate understanding of the goals of the finance manager.
To Identify the basic financial environment and institutions

Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Acquired analytical skills in solving marketing related problems and challenges and be familiar with the strategic marketing management process.
Exposed to the development, evaluation, and implementation of marketing management in a variety of business environments.
Cases, discussions, exercises and activities, participants would be given opportunities to perform the role of a marketing manager.
Understand the development, implementation, and evaluation of employee recruitment, selection, and retention plans and processes.
Learn administer and contribute to the design and evaluation of the performance management program.
Acquired skill to develop, implement, and evaluate employee orientation, training, and development programs.
Perform analytical reviews of financial results, proposals, and plans.

T.Y.B. Com. Accounting & Finance Semester VI: 2017 – 2018 w.e.f. June, 2015 (CBCGPS)
1. Financial Accounting VI

Objectives -
At the end of this course students should be able to:
To understand format of Final Accounts of Banking Companies As per Banking Act, 1949.
To understand final Accounts of General Insurance Company as per insurance act.
To understand valuation and procedure of personal investments in share market.
To apply valuation procedure and techniques of personal investment in real life.
To understand procedure and structure of Final Accounts of Limited Liability Partnership As per LLP Act, 2008.
To learn transactions and procedure of foreign currency translation in to Indian Rupees.

Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Apply format of final accounts as per Banking Companies Act, 1949 in practical manner.
Verify financial position of Bank by various angle.
Apply format of final accounts as per Insurance Companies Act, and verify actual calculation premium in practical manner.
Practically apply procedure of valuation of personal investment in real, mostly investment in Share market and in Debentures / Bonds.
Apply format of final accounts as per LLP Act, 2008 in practical manner.

2. Cost Accounting IV

Objectives –
To make them understand concept of budgeting and tools of budgetary control.
To aware them of absorption costing, marginal costing, cost volume and profit analysis.
To understand students about managerial decision making.
To understand students about standard costing and variance analysis.

Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Prepare various types of budgets depending upon the types of activities.
Understand the concepts of absorption costing, marginal costing, and cost volume and profit analysis.
Take decision like make or buy, appropriate sales mix on the basis of analytical costing methods.
Find material, labour, sales and overhead variances.

3.Financial Management III

Objectives –
To acquire the skills necessary to manage a financial firm, to describe and apply financial concepts, theories, and tools, and to evaluate the role of technology and the legal, ethical and economic environment as it relates to financial institutions including the Federal Reserve, commercial banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, investment banks, pension funds, federal regulatory agencies, and federal and state guaranty institutions.
To advance the understanding of fundamental concepts of finance, financial markets and market participants, valuation techniques of financial instruments, and working knowledge of portfolio Management.
Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Describe the dimensions of performance and risk relevant to financial firms.
Calculate contemporary measures of financial measures of performance and risk.
Describe contemporary managerial risk management oversight processes.
Explain how the financial services component industries (insurance, banking, securities, real estate and financial planning) interact.
Design hedging strategies to manage market risks (e.g., currency, commodity, economic and political).
Evaluate the economic environment and the impact of governmental economic policies on consumers and financial institutions.
Describe the impact that financial innovation, advances in technology, and changes in regulations has had on the structure of the financial firms/industry.

4.Financial Accounting VII

Objectives –
To understand the concept of goodwill and method of its valuation.
To know the importance of IFRS and Financial statement as per IFRS norms
To enable students, understand the provisions of Indian Electricity Act, 2003 and double accounting system.
To understand the allocation of profits and accounts of cooperative housing society.
To ensure students to understand and practice provision of AS 11.
Each student shall be able to impart the knowledge and skill listed above to provide insightful advisory judgments and recommendations regarding the accounting for the business implications of events, conditions, circumstance and transactions that give rise to business opportunities or problems.
With the help of special accounting areas as mentioned above, students shall be able to formulate setting up of business in future, investment in share market, companies etc.
Students shall be become financial managers in various sectors.
Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Calculate value of goodwill and shares.
Prepare Final Account for Electricity Company as per Double Account System
Prepare final accounts of Co-Operative Housing Society & Consumer Co-Operative Society.
Solve problems of accounting of Foreign Branch and Conversion as per AS 11 and incorporation in HO accounts.
Get the knowledge of IFRS its Purpose & Objective of financial statement, its Frame work, its assumption, characteristics, element, recognition & measurement.

5.Taxation IV (Direct Taxes II)

Objectives –
To study Clubbing of Income from Assets Transferred To A Person For The benefit Of Spouse, income from assets transferred to a person for the benefit of spouse attract the provisions on clubbing of income.
To learn various provisions under heads of income for enabling assessee to carry forward and set-off in the Previous Year as well as in future. Learn limitations for number of years, for which losses can be carried forward and set-off.
To learn with this objective, an investor needs to generate income from his investments.
To learn basic concept and objective of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) is to collect taxes at the very source of income.
Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understood Indian income tax systems.
Understood fundamental concept of Indian income tax act 1961.
Apply income tax laws and solves the problems
Analyse and evaluates tax information and issues.
Think critically and solve the problem.
Communicate effectively and orally income tax information to income tax issues.

6.Economics III (Indian Economy)

Objectives –
To introduce the students to the various dimensions of the Indian Economy
To provide a historical and current analysis of how the Indian Economy has reached its current state of affairs
To create awareness about development in Indian Economy.
To learn of economic issues and challenges of Indian Economy.
Outcomes –
At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand the various aspects of Indian economy.
Develop a perspective on the different problems and approaches to economic planning and development in India.
Develop a perspective on the different problems and approaches to economic planning and development in India
Understand the role of the Indian Economy in the global context, and how different factors have affected this process.


Research Work
Name of the Teacher No. of Research Papers Published Total
International National
Prof. Suhas B.Nagale 01 - 01
Prof. Meenal G. Khandake 05 02 07
Prof. Harshada Patwardhan 02 01 03
Prof. Swaroop L. Ghaisas 02 0 02
Prof. Swapnil Y. Joshi - 01 01
Prof. Swati L. Ghaisas 01 - 01
Prof. Naziya R. Maldar 05 02 07
Departmental Activities
Title Work Convenor Academic Year/Duration
Net Banking Workshop Practical Mr. S. B. Nagale 2017-2018

Publication of in-house journal ‘Horizon’’
Organisation of Welcome and Farewell parties.

Industrial Visits
Visit Syllabus Covered Academic Year/Duration
Amul industries Anand. Gujarat 2014-2015
Nestle India Goa 2015-2016
Manu Yantralaya Jaipur, Rajasthan 2016-2017
Sahyadri Sugar Factory Karad, Satara. 2016-2017
Rajaram Bapu Textile Industries Islampur, Sangli. 2017-2018
Mapro Industries Wai, Satara. 2017-2018
Venugopal Factory Satara 2018-2019
Value Added Courses
Title Syllabus Covered Convenor Academic Year/Duration
Accounting with the use of Accounting Software - Tally.ERP 9 Accounting Vouchers,
Inventory Vouchers
Mr. S. B. Nagale 2017-2018
Web Awareness Program Various 15 websites and practical Mr. S. B. Nagale 2017-2018
Departmental Activities
Title Work Convenor Academic Year/Duration
Net Banking Workshop Practical Mr. S. B. Nagale 2017-2018

Publication of in-house journal ‘Horizon’’
Organisation of Welcome and Farewell parties.