
Library Old

The college library was established in the year 1945 i.e. from the establishment year of our Gogate Jogakekar College. The name of library is given after the name of our founder member late. Baburao alias Janardan Vaman Joshi. The college library, which is a source of knowledge, is an integral and important part of our institute of higher learning. The library aims to stock all the books and periodicals which the students and faculties are required to read and grow through literature power. Basically any library acts as a backbone of an institute provide the user, all the needy documents either in print or non print media.

Library has generated electronic database of 1,06,655 books using State of the arts library software called SOUL 2.0. Invasion of new technologies in the library and the routine library or traditional library services are geared with speed. Formal training has been given to the library staff to carry out daily functions. Library Provides, Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) allows students and teachers to find any book of his/her interest.


About College Library

Aims & Objectives:
To provide curriculum books and to promote educational, research, cultural, recreational and informational requirements of students, teachers, researchers and general users.
1. To promote reading habits among students.
2. To promote effective use of library, user education / orientation of students.
3. Collection and organization of relevant documents recorded in various print and non print media.
4. To provide full information support to the teaching-learning process in the college.

Function's of Library

College library is expected to support the objectives of the college. Thus, the basic function of college library is to assist and provide access to the human records required by the educational
Community for the successful pursuit of academic programe prescribed by the university to which it is affiliated. Library is serving the needs and requirements of the teachers and students in reading, study and research by the ways as:
1. To support the objectives of the college.
2. Book / Periodical issue facility (home lending) for the students.
3. Book / Periodical issue facility (home lending) for the teachers.
4. Book issue facility (home lending) for the visitors.
5. Book / Periodical issue facility various departments.
6. Study room book issue facility.

A college library committee is constituted for advisory or administrative purpose. It serves a useful means of liaison between the teachers, librarian and student community. However, library committee is advisory in nature towards safeguards of library and library services.

  • Mr. Utpaldatta Wakade : I/C Librarian
  • Mr. Rajendra Yadav : Library Clerk
  • Mr. Madhukar Girnare : Library Assistant
  • Mr. Mukund Kuratadkar : Library Attendant
  • Mr. Vijay Gorivale : Library Attendant
  • Mr. Anil Suvare : Library Attendant
  • Mr. Vilas Bane : Library Attendant
  • Mr. Ramesh Sawant : Library Attendant
  • Mr. Santosh Jadhav : Library Attendant
  • Mr. Unmesh Nitore : Library Attendant
  • Mr. Govind Vasave : Library Attendant
  • Mr. Pravin Lingayat : Library Attendant
  • Mr. Mahendra Tambe : Peon
  • Mr. Yogesh More : Peon
  • Mr. Nilesh Shinde : Peon