
Astronomy Club

Astronomy Club

Khagol Abhyas Kendra, established on Science Day 2005. The club is one of the best out-reach program of the College. The various programs of astronomy club are mainly involved in organization of Lectures and Workshops on Basic Astronomy for students and common citizens.


To popularize astronomy among the public to reduce the pressure of superstitions.


Mr. V. V. Bhide
Mr. V. V. Bhide
Assistant Professor
M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil, NET, SET
Ms. A. A. Shirgaonkar
Ms. A. A. Shirgaonkar
Assistant Professor


Workshops on Basic Astronomy

Lectures on use of “Panchang” for sky observation; coordinate systems; sky maps; telescope

Sky watching programs

Popularization of Indian National Solar Calendar

Calibration of astronomical events

Major Achievements

A lecture by Dr. Jayant Narlikar in March 2009 for general public. About 550 people were benefited.

An exhibition of astronomy related pictures was on 21st and 22nd November 2009. About 2000 students in the city visited the exhibition.

In collaboration with the institute ‘Asimit’, Pune organized a big ‘sky show’ in open air on 26th November 2010, in which different planets like Jupiter, its satellites, Saturn, moon etc. were observed by the participants with help of the powerful astronomical telescopes arranged on the ground. About 800 high school students and 400 citizens of the city were benefited.

A workshop on ‘Comet ISON’ was conducted for Science Teachers of Ratnagiri District on 16th November 2013.

A one-day workshop on “Indian Mathematician-Bhaskaracharya” was conducted for school students and teachers (45 participants).

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.